Ice cream

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A\N I am sooooooooooo sorry! I got super busy and didn't have time to write! But no worries, for I am back and ready to write!

Eren's POV

Sitting on his lap, I continued kissing Levi deeply, my mind racing with plans. Now that I know his secret, we can do whatever we want without restraint, right? I slowly moved my tongue along his lip, desprately wishing to not be rejected this time. My heart soared when he parted his lips and moved his tongue to meet mine, starting a long battle for dominance. I think we all know who won!

Levi's POV

I easily took control of the passionate kiss, wrapping my arms tighter around Eren and wishing he was shorter, or I was taller. Eren, for his first time, was a pretty decent french kisser. Sure, I would have to correct him with a tug of his hair or a small nip every now and then, but he was a lot better than some of the others.

Eren pressed up against me, his mouthwatering scent flooding my nose and making me stop breathing. I swallowed hard, surpressing the urge to bite the neck that was so close to me, and was about to push him away to tell him we should stop, when I felt his hand slide down my chest and unbutton the button on my pants.

No no. Bad, bad Eren. Fuck, what a horny brat. I pushed him off my lap and took both of his hands in mine, giving him a warning glare.

"Eren. No." His face fell and I almost regretted pushing him away, but it would be a lot worse if I hadn't.

He choked out, "W-Why?" I rolled my eyes. Wasn't the answer obvious?

"It's dangerous, Brat. I could lose control and kill you so easily. Even during that kiss I had to stop breathing. I'm not risking it."

He pouted out his lip and mumbled, "So what? No sex? Ever??" Oh. Damn. I didn't think about that... But if it's for Eren's safety, then I'll go without.

"I guess so, Eren. It has to be this way. Don't get me wrong, I want to, oh, I want to. But we can't." I said, standing up, only to have a hand grab my shirt.

"If you want to, can't we... can't we try? Please?" Eren pleaded. But I had to stay strong.


"T-Then what can we do?" I thought for a moment about his question. How good is my self control? I shouldn't take any risks, but.... Eren really wants this, the hormonal brat.

"I.... I don't know, Eren." I said, running a hand through my hair with frustration.

Eren released his grip on my shirt and stood up from the bed as well. He turned towards me and got on his knees. He better not be doing what I think he's doing. Eren looked up at me with just a hint of a smirk. He's doing what I think he's doing.

"This should be okay, then." He said in a low voice, and unbuttoned my pants. But I used my superhuman speed, somethng that comes in handy when your prey runs, and buttoned my pants back, so fast Eren didn't even notice it. He did, however, notice that the button again stood inbetween his mouth and my dick. His eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head quickly, probably thinking he was crazy. He undid the button a second time, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at his reaction when he found it was yet again back to it's buttoned state.

Eren got frustrated and ripped my pants down to my ankles, but the second they hit the ground they were already back up. Eren's face turned red and he stood up and stamped his foot. "Are you doing this???!!" He demanded.

I shrugged and laughed, "Maybeeee~" He looked at me with the kind of look you would see a little kid give his parents when they said he couldn't have the icecream, or in this case, tha Levi dick. "Listen, Eren," He looked at me with his lip pouted out again and I continued, "I don't know how far we will get, but either way, not tonight. Too many things have happened and I'm tired as hell."

He let out a long, drawn out sigh and mumbled an "Okay" before going to his bed and looking up at me expactantly. "Will you stay here tonight?" He inquired. I gave him my answer by crawling into the queen sized bed beside him and curling into his warm arms.

"You know something?" He murmured into my ear softly.


"Having a vampire for a boyfriend is the coolest."

A\N AAAAAlrighty. Finally an update. I should have one up tomorrow too, but if not then DEFINETELY Friday.

Oh, and whoever (if anyone) is reading this, if you have a request for something you want to happen (I'm up for anything), pweese comment and i'll do my best

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