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A\N I figured out how to reward you amazing people. Smut. Just imagine that hot Levi in the picture pounding into Eren, kay?

Levi's POV

I took a deep breath, hearing the music swell up all around me. Kinda like my emotions right now.... Over fifty people turned in their seats to peer up at the staircase, and I allowed my eyes to wander there as well.

As soon as I saw him my nervousness evaporated, and a rare grin graced my features as I admired my fiance. He was wearing a form-fitting white suit, with a red rose pinned to the front. Hey, we're wearing black and white. We didn't even plan that!

I had been right, Eren was red from head to toe, glancing embarrased at the many people staring at him. His mouth was pulled into a worried line, but when our gazes met, he smiled my favorite toothy grin.

Eren quickened his pace, stumbling a little as he climbed up the steps to the altar. What a dork.

Pixis began the ceremony as I reached for Eren's lukewarm hand. Pixis' words droned on and on and I found myself zoning out. That is, until I heard,

"-love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"

I snapped to attention and looked into Eren's also now alert eyes. I fell in love with those emerald orbs of his all over again as I stated,

"I do."

Eren visibly relaxed and I wondered how he could have possibly thought I would change my mind. Now it was his turn, oh no! What if he changed his mind?!

"I do!"

"Then I pronounce you husband, and well... husband! You may kiss the-"

Pixis didn't even need to finish; Eren and I were already in a full on make-out session. He clutched my tie and yanked me flush with his body, not that I was complaining. On the contrary, I clutched at his shoulders and deepened the kiss with my now husband.

We only stopped when the cheering subsided and the clearing of throats could be heard. Eren pulled away blushing while I just smirked victoriously. With all the not-so-holy matrimony buisness out of the way, it was time for the reception, which would take place in my cleared out dining room. I had to admit, Hanji did a pretty good job with the wedding planning. She went all out, a dance floor and even a DJ. The guests filed in and helped themselves to the food. Well, most of the guests; there were many vampires present.

Now came the part I was dreading; socializing. It seemed like the entire guest list lined up to say congratulations. Well, except for Marco. He only stayed for half the party. Since Eren was more of a people person than me, I decided to sneak away and let him handle it. I leaned against the wall and waited for the crowd to dissiapte so I could cuddle my husband.

I wouldn't get the chance, however, because as soon as the brat got to me, we heard the DJ announce,

"Its time for the Rivaille's first dance as a married couple!" Oh shit.

Eren's POV

Dance? That I could do. I grabbed Levi's hand and led him to the center of the dance floor. I put my arms around his waist, but stopped when Levi whispered,

"Eren! I... I don't know how to d-dance..." My eyes widened slightly. In his hundreds of years he hadn't bothered to learn? I let out a soft chuckle and lifted him so his feet were resting atop mine.

"B-Brat what are you doing!" Levi exclaimed as I started moving to the music, moving him along with me.

"I'm dancing, Levi. And you are too~!" I answered, hooking his arms around my neck.

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