Orange Chicken

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A\N Woah look guyssss, next chapter up if ANYONE is reading this.... comment, favorite, that shiz

Eren's POV

I wiped my palms on my jeans yet again, taking a shaky breath. I sat on my worn couch staring at the impending doom that is Levi's number. My phone was already flipped open to the keypad, waiting for me to type the numbers in. Bu, frankly, I was too nervous to do anything but stare.

I must have sat there attempting to dial for an hour, but apparently it had been much longer that, for when I checked the time and saw how late it was, how late I was for my job, I freaked. I muttered curses under my breath while scrambling around my apartment, grabbing various things until I ran out the door and down the street.

I burst through the front doors, calling a hasty, "I'm here! I'm here!" as I checked in and panted over to Erwin's office.

"I'm here, sir!" I gasped out, leaning against the door frame for support. Erwin studied me in amusement as he said, "I was beggining to think you'd be late on your second day, Jaegar..."

"My apologies. I didn't realise the time. I'll get to work now." I ammended, quickly walking to the changing rooms.

The owner, Erwin, is the one who had come up to me, causing me to panic 'cause I had snuck in the bar under-age, and asked if, instead of being kicked out, would I like a job there. After replying yes, I had met another worker there. Jean.

He was a first rate jackass. I hate him so, so much. He works as a stripper, performing for all the perverts, and he taunts me for my obvious lack of enthusiasm for getting banged by a stranger, saying i'm a "damn pussy". I would say he doesn't have a heart, except for the way he looks at Marco, the bartender. Marco is a sweet, caring guy who got dragged into working at a bar. But.... He is completely oblivous. Half the time, I think Jean is really performing for him! Bu if he doesn't get some guts soon, Marco will slip right past him. I rolled my eyes as I started my work shift, praying that my services wouldn't be needed my any pervs.

(Time Skip)

I let out a sigh or relief as the Hour hand reached the 7. My shift was, finally, over. And I was still a virgin!! Yes! ... I think?

I changed back into my regular clothes and yelled a quick, "G'Bye!" to Erwin, before pushing open the back door and stepping into the dim light of the alley, where I instantly felt eyes on me.

"....Brat..." I jumped as I heard the deep monotone voice to my right. I whirled around and saw none other than Levi leaning against the wall.

"Mis-Levi!" I stuttered, gulping at the warmness in my cheeks.

"I gave you my number so you could actually call me, dumbass." He said, pushing himself off the wall and taking a step towards me.

Levi's POV
Oh, this brat smells just as good as I remembered. I just wish I could bite him...But alas, My restless night was full of overthinking this very problem. The issue was proved to not be with my vampire-ness after I found another poor soul to suck on. So, JUST to see what it was, I was going to hang around this nuisance for a while. Only, ONLY, so I could know what's wrong with him.
I stepped towards him, awaiting an answer.
"I was going to, I was, but I got too nervous, and then I was late for work an-" He continued rambling with a light blush coloring his cheeks.
"Tch. It's fine, Brat. You just have to make it up to me." I said, running a hand through my hair.
He visibly gulped. "Uh... I'm f-flattered but my-my shift is ov-" I cut him off with a wave of my hand.
"I'm not asking for sex. At least, not yet." His blush got darker. "All I'm asking, is for you to come with me for dinner." I said, willing the blush to stay off my cheeks.
"O-Oh!" He broke into a grin. "Well, of cooouuursseee Levi~"
I rolled my eyes and started heading out of the alley, not waiting for him to follow. 

        I walked at a brisk pace, with the boy struggling to keep up. It was getting strenuous not knowing the boys name, and constantly having to refer to him as "the boy" or "prostitute", so I glanced over my shoulder and called, "Oi, Brat. You got a name?"

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes when he left it at that and growled, "What is it?

I could hear the grin in his voice when he spoke. 

"Eren, Eren Jaegar."

I let out a "hmph", pretending not to be impressed, but really, I loved the name. 

        Eren... The name brought butterflies into my stomach, which I didn't know was possible for me until now. Something about this strange un-killable prostitute interested me, and I wanted to find out more about him. F-For research purposes! Don't any of you shits start thinking its something else!!! 

        I stopped in front of a very fancy, very expensive chinese eatery, which I hoped would fit a humans  tastes, and I heard Eren silently celebrating beside me. 

"You... Like this place?" I said, looking him up and down.

'I've been craving chinese all day, and this is my favorite restraunt! But... I don't go anymore. Can't exactly pay fifty dollars on a meal when you have to pay rent, now can you?" He said with a smile, despite his sad truth. I felt a sharp pang in my chest, feeling sorry for the brat. 

"...Come on. Lets eat." I mumbled, quickly pulling him inside and to a table. He tapped his fingers on the table while reading his menu, mouthing the names of the dishes as he did so, until he noticed my stillness. 

"A-Aren't you gonna eat?' Eren stuttered, setting aside his menu. Ah shit. I should have taken him to the movies or something! I couldn't eat anything!

"N-No I'm not hungry. You go ahead and eat." I said, inwardly smirking at my lie. Hopefully this brat is gulllible. But, frowing, he proved me wrong.

"That's hardly fair! And why would you take me to dinner if-" He was interrupted by a very perky looking waitress, causing me to sigh in relief. Perfect timing.

'Hi! I'm Sasha and I'll be your server today! What can I get you to start out with?" 

Before Eren could say anything, I muttered, "We're ready. Eren tell her what you want." 

He sent me a slight glare before straightening up and ordering, "I'll have the orange chicken with chow mein, thanks. ....And he'll have the same." He added with a grin in my direction.

Tch. brat. 

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