Deadly Attraction

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November 14th

Eren's POV

Sunlight filtered through the orange curtains, turning the room slightly clementine colored. They were originally gray, but I made Levi switch them out cuz gray is depressing. I squeezed my eyelids shut, trying to get an hour or two more of sleep, but I couldn't go back to my very pleasant dream about orangoutangs; I was just too gosh darn excited.

Today Levi and I both were off of work-usual for Levi because of his baby belly, unusual for me because of my jerk boss- so we had a whole day ahead of us, ending with a movie I've been dying to go see.

Having given up going back to sleep, my eyes blinked open, blurring at first, and I very, very carefully turned on my other side from inside the circle of Levi's arms so I could face him.

He was still sound asleep, and I seized the opportunity to reach for me phone and snap a picture of the adorableness. Next, but no less important, I extended my finger and booped his nose.

His face scrunched up, resulting in a stray jet black hair to fall over it, and I waited for him to wake up, but he stayed still, so I decided to play a little more.

I made a little circle with my lips and blew cool air out quickly, aiming for the hair. It lifted up and up, aaannnndddd fell back down. Levi twitched and his expression turned from peaceful to pissed.

"Eren." He whispered quietly, eyes closed. "I don't get a lot of sleep with this demon baby inside me, so when I do get a chance to, I would appreciate it if you found another toy to play with."

"O-Okay, sorry." I apologized softly, turning back to face the wall shyly. I was staring straight ahead silently when I felt careful, deliberate movement on my back. Suddenly it wasn't careful anymore and I began giggling madly as fingers tickled and poked my sides and stomach, quickly gasping for breaths in between laughs.

"W-Wh- HA! What are yaHAHAHA doing?!!??" I was pushed onto my back and tackled by a crazy short mad man tickling the shiz outta me.

"Punishing you for waking me up." He threatened terrifyingly.

"Ooh Kinky- Ahahahhaahaha!!!! Oh my- Oh my gosh! Stooooooop I can't breathe!" I yelped, banging on his arms uselessly.

"You don't have to, idiot, you're immortal." Levi smirked, giving my sides one last poke before laying by my side and wrapping his arms around my waist as I caught my unneeded breath.

"That's true." I grinned, sighing contently as I ran my hand through his previously played with hair. "If you wanna stay in and sleep, we can do that instead."

"No way. I'm awake now and you have the day off. We're gonna use it." Levi decided. "What were you wanting to do, again?"

~Time Skip~

Trees, cars, and buildings whirled past us as we ran fast enough so no one could notice. We had gotten dressed and ready lazily, waging a war with various clothing items and any other ammo we could find, taking an entire hour. Eventually though we got moving, with one place in mind.

A hand caught my wrist and I was slung back, taken aback. "Wh...?"

"If you'd stop daydreaming, babe, you'd realize we're here." Levi explained, dropping my hand and pointing behind me. That was quick.

"Oh! Oh...." I gasped when I saw the full majesty of Niagara Falls. I had expected a decent sized waterfall but this behemoth must've been a mile high! And it was atleast a football field wide.

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