Big Ass Steak Knife

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A\N Omg lovelies, watch MazeRunner! That was... woah. Well since I left on a bit of a cliffhanger, I'll shut up now~

Eren's POV

I fell to the ground and scuttled backwards, my eyes impossibly wide. What. What, what what what. V-Vampire?? I... I couldn't stay there any longer. I had to get out of there.

So I did. I jumped up and took a few steps back, my eyes not daring to leave the bloody scene. Not bothering to stop, I ran around the corner and down the street I had come. I barely heard the "Eren, Wait!" and kept running. Kept running until I was inside my apartment, until all the doors and windows were locked and I was under my covers, shivering and confused.

Levi's POV

I walked down the street, keeping my thoughts on finding a victim instead of Eren's hurt look when he walked out my door. I looked up and saw a tall, blonde haired lady, no less than in her mid-40's. I strode up to her and made my voice low and inviting. "Ma'am, sorry to bother you, but could you help me carry this-" I looked down the alley and saw a chair someone had dumped by the dumpster."chair, to my car?"

"Why, of course. Anything else you'd like me to," She very blantantly looked me up and down, "help you wi-"

"No. The chair is just down here... Yes, this way." I interrupted her pitiful attempt at flirting, though it would probably have worked had it been Eren, and led her down the alley. I glanced back to see if anyone was around, then I spun around and slammed the unsuspecting lady against a wall, gripping her shoulders. She let out a sharp gasp before I covered her mouth and buried my fangs deep into her neck.

I could feel her heart racing in fear as I slowly drained her blood, groaning at the taste. Every time I feed, I go into such a euphoric state, my body is in such pleasure at tasting the thing I live, or lived for. My eyes fluttered open upon hearing another faimilar heartbeat, and I saw the other thing I lived for. And he was terrifed of me.

I froze, the lifeless woman laying limp against the wall, and stared wide eyed at Eren, who fell back on his hands. He shook his head as he backed away, eyes darting from the woman to me, to the blood on the floor, and back to me. I couldn't do anything, couldn't say anything. I just waited for a reaction. And a reaction I got.

Eren got to his feet and ran, still watching me. I faintly realised I had called for him to wait, before I fell to my knees, tossing aside the woman.

Eren... Eren... He left me. I will be alone. Spending my long years lonely, without anyone knowing who I was. Just existing. I spent so long like that. Years... Decades... I didn't feel anything but hate, and loneliness. Everyday would be the same. Wake up from whatever sleep I had managed to get, go to my boring job, not speaking to a soul, and leave to kill someone who got to have a normal life. Then go home. Sit and wait for something. I knew something was missing, something vital, that could have gotten my life to mean something. Something that made my days not just emptyness, but a chance to try new things, to look forward to waking up everyday, not dreading it. For so long I waited for that something, until I realised it wasn't something, but rather someone. Eren. He came into my life so suddenly, and for those two days, I was... I was happy. I wanted to see what the next day held. I wanted to see it with him. He changed my life so drastically... I didn't ever think I could hold such feelings. But now that I've had a taste of such emotion, I want to feel more. I want to experience such happiness every day. Every day. I want to experience, to feel everything with Eren. And I could have. But I wasn't careful enough. I let that chance, that missing piece, slip away. And I would never feel anything like that again. Eren, my hope, my emotions, my missing piece, is gone.

No. No! I won't let him slip away. He is the best thing that has happened to me, and dammit i'm not losing him. I'll do anything it takes! Eren is mine, and I am his!

I got up with determination, and wiped my mouth with the lady's dress. Then I walked quicker and with more purpose than I've ever had before. I'll get my light back, I will be whole again.

Eren's POV

I curled into a tighter ball and tried to control my shaking. I was so con- I jumped so high I nearly flew off the bed when there was a knock on the front door. I moved the blanket and peeked out from under my makeshift hide away and stared at the daunting door.

It was Levi.

I knew it was. I didn't order any pizza, so it was him. I let out a sigh of relief when I realised I had locked the door and I wasn't going to die. Yet.

The knocking got louder and I buried deeper into the covers. Then I heard rattling on the windows and I let out a really embarassing yelp and sprinted to the kitchen, grabbed a big ass steak knife and dived back under the covers, almost stabbing myself in the process.

"Eren! Let me in, please!" I heard Levi yell pleadingly. Why did I feel such a painful pang in my chest at how hurt he sounded when I really shouldn't care, seeing as my world just got flipped upside down.

Then everything went silent, so I relaxed and took a deep breath. Then I screamed when I heard a BANG and I gripped the knife as tight as I possibly could. Then came a soft, "Eren..."

The covers were lifted up and I saw a very concerned, slightly amused Levi staring down at me, and I yanked the covers down and willed him to leave me in my hideaway and not kill me. A cool hand grasped my leg and gently pulled me out of the sheets and onto Levi's lap.

"No! No stop!" I yelled pitifully, not realising I was crying until a thumb wiped away my tears and Levi was giving me such a warm, loving look, while prying the knife away from my hands and onto the floor.

"Eren, please, I won't hurt you. I'll never hurt you. I promise." He said softly, rocking me back and forth, "Listen, I... I didn't want you to find out, especially not like this. But I never intended to hurt you, not after the first night. I was going to... to kill you, but I couldn't Eren. I couldn't. You are too important, I care about you too much. You're safe with me. You don't have to worry, and please don't be afraid."

"So....You're not going to kill me?" I said, letting out a sniffle.

"Of course not. And Eren? I wouldn't let you french kiss me because of these." He opened his mouth and tapped one of two very white long teeth, longer than all the others. They came to a sharp point and looked... SOOOO COOOLLL!!! I reached forward and touched them, but they just felt like regular teeth. Wait... Did I just stroke a guys tooth?

"Oh! Well, I like that reason better than the ones I came up with." I cleared my throat. "So, you're a vampire."

He nodded hesitantly, waiting for my reaction.

"That's hawt." His eyes widened as I grinned. "Like seriously, what is sexier than vampires?"

He shook his head, but he was smiling. "Gosh, what is wrong with you?"

I shifted so I was fully sitting on his lap, placing my arms around his neck and looking down at him. I mumbled, "A lot of things..." before I kissed him, pressing us closer.

Then, I got an idea. A dirty idea.

A\N DID EVERYONE SEE THAT?! MANY MANY WORDS! LONG CHAPTER!!! I apologize for that long dramatic Levi paragraph, I was listening to intense, moving music and I was typing REALLY FAST! Well, next chapter should be reeaaalll interesting. But, you'll have to wait a bit, I have things ta do.

Bye for now Lovelies~

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