2 Days: Landmarks and French Dogs

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Erwin's POV

"Erwin speaking." I flipped open my phone and spoke, not bothering to check who it was. I would talk to anyone to get out of doing this paperwork.

"Hrrghhh lllnnnnn gggguuuuhhhwwww"

"Um.... Hello?" I raised my gigantic eyebrows as the onslaught of revolting noises subsided, replaced with an incredibly done sounding Levi,

"I. Feel. Like. Shit." Morning sickness again?? Jeez, this is a monstrous baby.

"The baby again? The fact that this is becoming more frequent must mean it's pretty close. Just think of that, Levi."

"When it gets here I'm gonna beat it's tiny- Eren!!! You're here!! ...I wasn't saying anything! I was just-"

The line cut off and I shook my head, a smile on my face as I looked out my open window. I ship it so hard.

I twirled my chair towards my desk and started the work I was procrastinating, oblivious to the figure standing right beside my window, listening the entire time.

-2 Days Earlier-

Levi's POV

"UNO! UNO!!!!" Eren screamed, flicking his middle finger up with one hand and slamming the red 5 on the pile.

"Baby, you really don't have to do that every time." I rolled my eyes, playing my own card, which made him draw five.

He made an over exaggerated sigh and stuck his tongue out at me from over his cards.

"Don't tempt me with that tongue of yours. It won't help you win." I was immediately overcome with a familiar burning feeling in my throat and my face conveyed my pain.

"Levi? What's wrong??" Eren questioned, way too worried and at my side in an instant.

"Don't be such a drama queen. I'm just freaking thirsty." I explained, moving to get up before plopping back down halfway through. This baby better be real cute.

"NOT A PROBLEM! DADDY IS ON IT!" I was shaking my head before he even finished, motioning for him to sit his butt down.

"No, it's fine. Let's just finish the-"

"Sssshhhhh. Sssshhhhh." I stared at him, his finger on my lips.  "Ssshhhhhhh."


"SHHHHH!!! I am going to do this for you. You just sit there, anddddddd I'llberightback!!!"

And then he was gone. Leaving me sitting alone at the table in the quiet house.

Eren's POV

I set out on my journey to murder someone for my hubby. I stopped. Wait.... Am I a horrible person for doing this stuff?


Nah!! I continued on my way, my earbuds blasting "Boy in Luv" by BTS.

Let's seeeeeee.... Where to? I needed a place that was pretty desolate so there aren't very many witnesses... I gasped. Russia!!!

It took me about five minutes to get there, but only two and a half to leave when I realized it is way too freaking cold there.

Well I've always wanted to visit Paris... Decided. I'm going to see the leaning tower of pizza. Oh wait, that's Italy. Eiffel Tower it is!! 

Upon arrival I just stood there stunned, completely blown away. It was so beautiful. Tan bricks stacked one on another forming architecture masterpieces that normal people actually lived in, lining cobblestoned streets filled with citizens bustling about, streaming in and out of cute petite shops with frosted, baked, and grilled delicacies as well as the latest fashion. Dog's barking and heavy accents blended together to create a sweet symphony of French.

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