Just Eren

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"Um... Mister? As terified as I am about this, are you uh... just gonna stand there breathing on my neck, or...?"

I had frozen. I was about to bite into that succulent neck of his, but I had stopped. Why? Why? I had killed countless times before so it wasn't that I suddenly was feeling guitly... and the smell of the blood was definetely not the issue. So what was?

I shut my mouth with a snap and stepped back, stunned. The brat watched me with his eyebrows furrowed, probably confused as fuck. I raised my eyes to the boy and looked at him, a slight blush coming to my cheeks. Wait, A BLUSH????? WHAT WAS I, A PANSY?!

I quickly looked away and wondered what the hell was wrong with me, which is probably what the kid was doing right now as well.

Eren's POV

What the hell is wrong with him? Well whatever it is, I wouldn't mind it as long as its him... If you hadn't already guessed, I slightly, only a little bitty bit, have the hots for Mister! It might just be his drop dead gorgeous, hot, smexy, amazing body, but all I know about his personality is that he shuts people out, and acts cold, but on the inside he's a huge, romantic softie.

Yeah, I got that from one look. One looooonnnggg look. I guess you could say it's my talent? I can see people for who they truly are, not that facade that they want people to see.

So, yeah, nice ta meet cha! I'm Eren Jaegar, and starting today, I am a prostitute. Most people are all, "OH, A prostitute??? What. a. WHORE!" Yeah. I know. I thought that at first, too, but when you don't have much money and you're wishing for something more fun out of life, then a job in a gay bar seems like just the solution.

So that was my plan, but I don't think it's working out all that well. You see, I am a virgin, and when they asked me if I was okay with all the sleeping around, I, of course, said "Y-Yeah!" Cause I wanted the job, ya know?

.....I KNOW IM STUPID, OKAY?? I just want something... different. All these people just live normal lives.

They're born, they grow up, go to school, high school, college, get a job, get married, have kids, and die.

Everyone goes through the same old cycle, and I'm just trying to break free of it. I read Harry Potter and wish I was a wizard, I read The Hobbit and want to go on an adventure with Bilbo, I read Twilight and want to have a sexy Edward vampire- Why am I so gay?- bite me. I want my life to be exciting, different from everyone else's!

But... That's impossible. I'm not Ron, I'm not Gandalf, and I'm not Bella Swan. I'm... just Eren. Another guy in the cycle.

I sighed as I steadied the freaking out man in front of me. "Mister, I don't think you're doin to-OOF!!!"

I let out a startled yelp as Mister pushed me up against the wall again. He pressed up against me and hovered his lips over mine. By this time I was blushing a cherry red and clutching on to his shoulders. My head was screaming for him to kiss me.

But he didn't.

Instead he pulled away and made what sounded like a "tch", taking a card out of his wallet and slipping it in the hem of my pants. He got on his tippie toes and kissed my cheek before walking away quickly. The whole time I stood there stunned without saying a word, but when he turned around the corner I grabbed the card and held it up in the dim light.

Levi Rivaille


Levi huh....

A\N I apologise for the short chapter!I promise things will start picking up soon, comment suggestions and critism!

bye lovelies~

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