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A\N Just as promised babes

Levi's POV

I woke up to a shrill screaming and bolted upright, shouting in my morning voice,
"What! What is it?!??" I blinked open my eyes and looked open to a naked Eren rocking back and forth in a fetal position.
"I feel dirty!" He wailed, clutching at his sides, "I've been penetrated! Violated!"

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows. "First off, you're making it sound like you were raped. Second, don't feel dirty or guilty. It's what couples do on their wedding night. We are married, so it's okay!" I said, a bit annoyed that I was being whined to on my first morning as Eren's husband.


I flipped open my phone and read a text from Hanji.

Heeeeyyyy... Yeah you guys aren't married...

Eren looked over my shoulder, also reading.

"IM GOING TO HELL!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" He curled back up into a fetal position and sobbed.

What the hell are you talking about, shitty glasses??

You know that preacher I picked? Turns out he wasn't exactly an actual preacher... whoopsie! Hehe!

When I get ahold of you I am going to rip out your internal organs and feed them to your dogs!

But Sonny and Bean don't like human flesh!

I snapped my phone shut and held my head in my hands. What shit! Fuck fuck FUCK! I sighed and looked over at my, apparently, still fiancé.

I pulled him into my lap and murmured quietly and as soothingly as I could,
"Listen baby. You did nothing wrong. All we need to do is go find an actual preacher and get him to officially marry us. We can do that right now if you'd like. Then I'll take you out for some ice cream. Would you like that?"

He nodded, sniffing and getting up. Staring at his bare body, I almost fucked him a second time then and there, but seeing as he would have thrown a bitch fit I decided not to. Instead, I pulled on some nice clothes and got my keys, waiting for Eren in the foyer.

When he finally came down the stairs in a loose button up shirt, I grabbed the handle and wrenched the door open, only to be caught by surprise by a figure standing in the doorway. Eren and I let out a hiss and stepped back, before I recognized the stranger's features.

"I-Isabel??" I said incredulously.

"LEEEEVI!!" Isabelle screeched as she jumped hugged me, pushing me back into the foyer again.
My childhood friend, alive??

Eren's POV

What the fuck is this shit? Who's this bitch jumping all over my vampire? I cleared my throat, causing them both to look over at me.

"Oh right! Eren, this is my childhood friend, Isabel. Isabel, this is Eren." Levi introduced us with a small smile. I put a big grin on my face and held out my hand, which Isabel took and pulled me in for a seemingly friendly hug. Then, too low for anyone but me to hear, she hissed,
"I don't know what hold you think you have on him, but Levi is mine."

My eyes lit up with fury and I pushed her away harshly.

"Ow!" She "fell" to the ground, "W-Why'd you do that?"

"Eren! What's your problem?!" Levi demanded, helping her to her feet.

"What's my problem? What's her problem?!" I spat, shooting a glare at Isabel, who I saw was wearing a smirk just out of Levi's sight.

Brat, I think you should go get your mood swings under control while Isabel and I talk." Levi said, taking the bitch by the arm and leading her into the parlor.

I threw my hands up in the air and walked out the front door, slamming it as hard as I could.

Levi's POV

Sitting down across from Isabel, I excitedly asked,
"Wait... How are you here? Alive??"

In explanation, she opened her mouth and grinned widely, showing off a pair of small fangs just barely glinting in the pale light.

"A... A vampire? You're a vampire??" I breathed, eyebrows furrowed.

"Yep! I was walking home one night and this man attacked me! All I remember is being shoved against a wall and feeling unbearable pain, then waking up in a ditch, all cold and lonely," She explained as I leaned forward across the table in between us.

"I got up feeling incredibly thirsty, so I followed the scent of blood to a town I had never been before. I killed a few humans and tried my best to hide the evidence. But a townsman caught me and I had to escape." She paused, trying to remember. "And then... And then I found my way back to our hometown, and I went to your house, looking for you. But it was empty. I asked around town and they said you and your entire family died! I was heartbroken..." She looked at me sadly before continuing.

"Since then I've been wandering from town to town, looking for something to do with myself with no luck. But then I heard someone mention you were here, alive! And here I am!" She finished, beaming.

"Wow... All this time I thought you were dead... I can't believe you're finally with me again!" I sat back in my chair, going over her story in my mind.

"Yes, incredible how fate brought us together again..." She whispered, leaning forward and trailing her fingers towards my hand that was resting on the table. I quickly stood up and stretched.

"Yep! Anyway, I should find Eren. I was a bit harsh." I turned to go to the door, when she stopped me.


"What is it?" I asked, hearing her whimper and turning back around.

"I was just... I was hoping that since we finally got together again, we could hang out a little... B-But that's okay..." Isabel finished and sat back down on the couch, looking miserable.

"No no! Isa we can spend time together, I'm sorry. What do you want to do?"

Eren's POV

I looked through the window to see Isabel hop up and hang on Levi's arm, grinning up at him and yapping away. Then they left out the front door without bothering to check where I was or say a simple goodbye.

I leaned against the window and brought my knees to my chest, and let out a choked sob.


A\N (READ THIS ONE) Okay so I have a new plan for this and it should add a few chapters, so that's cool! It's Thanksgiving break so I should be updating often. Maybe a little too often.... ALSO! PLEASE READ PLEASE READ! I have a story idea! That's right! I've had a lot of fun with this time so my brain popped a idea in my head for a new fanfic. Don't worry, it's Ereri. It's gonna be based off... wait for it.... keep waiting.... ANNIE! Yes! Ohhhhhh I don't know how this is going to work but by golly it's gonna be fun! So I'll be working on getting that out soon! If you have any ideas, im still taking them!, Or have a request or anything, just let me know!

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