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A\N HAPPY THANKSGIVING BABES! As a present the first chapter of my Annie fanfic will be out today as well as a new chapter of this!

Hanji's POV

"F-Fuck, don't stop! L-Levi~!"

        "OOOOHHHHH! We sure came at a great time, huh eyebrows?" I fangirled, wiping a stream of blood from my nose as moans streamed out the bedroom door.

        "Hanji, I really think we should have knocked, especially now! We should come back later, when they aren't, you know..."

"They're not coming later though! They're coming now!" I snickered.

        To prove my point, I heard one final cry from both of them, and the creaking stopped, replaced with faint panting.

"Hanji!" I heard Erwin complain nervously.

"What was that?" We heard Eren question from inside.

Oh shittles, how did they hear us?

"Hide, eyebrows, hide!" I screeched as I dove behind a potted plant.

        Wind whistled as the bedroom door was pushed open, revealing a shirtless Levi, who was still panting and flushed. Then the top of Eren's head poked up from behind him, whispering,

"W-Whos there?"

A loud bang brought our attention to a groaning Erwin on the floor.

"I apologise, Hanji... I was never good at hide and seek." He whimpered as Eren yelped and dove back in the room, wailing,

"I'm naked! I'm naked, don't look!" He reappeared seconds later fully clothed somehow.

        "Eyebrows! Shitty glasses!" Levi angrily hissed through clenched teeth. "What do you think you're doing here?!"

I took that opportunity to crawl out from behind my plant, and rise to my feet.

        "Don't be silly! You know what today is, right?? It seemed like you were having quite the celebration so I would've thought you knew." I asked while waggling my eyebrows, making Eren turn a bright red.

They both furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, mumbling,


"It's Thanksgiving!!!" I explained. Eren let out a gasp and grabbed Levi's arm.

        "Thanksgiving?! Oh this is fabulous! Levi, our anniversary is Thanksgiving!" Eren giggled, jumping up and down. 

        "You guys finally got married?!" I exclaimed excitedly, but was soon being lifted into the air by Levi's hold on my neck.

"Yes, no thanks to you." He hissed and looked about ready to snap me in two.

"Levi! Put her down this instant!" Eren demanded, tapping his foot.

"Y-Yes, dear..." Levi glared at me as I was placed back on my feet.

        "It's not my fault this mysterious lady tricked me into getting a phony preacher!" I pouted before helping Erwin to his feet and heading downstairs.

"Wait! Where are you guys goin'?" I heard Eren ask from behind us. 

        "To set the table for our Thanksgiving feast!" Erwin and I explained as we, well I, skipped into the dining room.

Erwin's POV

        After about an hour of helping Hanji set the table, we had a rather miraculous meal layed out. Set atop Levi and Eren's outrageously long dining table was a golden turkey basted to perfection, mashed potatoes, greenbean cassorole, corn, and various other Thanksgiving delicacies.

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