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A\N *sigh* How do authors do this...? I mean, get their stories popular? Ah, I guess I cna't give up, so I'll keep writing. So yeah, this is me keeping on writing.

Eren's POV

        "-so I hid his regular clothes, and he had to walk home in his stripper outfit!" I chuckled as I remember Jean's bright red face yesterday, but went quiet when I heard a beautiful, sexy sound. Levi was laughing. It was a quiet, soft laugh, but a laugh all the same, and I found myself smiling at him.

"Oi, Brat. Why are you grinning like an idiot?" He spat, stopping the laugh I loved so much.

"Your laugh. You seem like you don't laugh a lot, and you really should do it more. It's the best laugh I've heard." I said, wondering if the blush that appeared on Levi's cheeks was just my imagination. 

"T-Thanks, Brat." He muttered, looking down quickly. I opened my mouth to tease him but at that moment Sasha showed up with two steaming trays and set them down in front of the both of us. I saw Levi noticably cringe, and I briefly wondered why before my stomach growled at the smell of food, and I thanked Sasha as she left before shoving food into my mouth.

Levi's POV

I stared down at the plate, having still not thought of a solution to this brat's damn plan. The thing is, the only thing that tastes good to vampires is blood, so this plate of shit would taste like, well, shit. Maybe Eren wouldn't notice my not eating...

"You're not eating, Levi. There a reason?" Eren said, noticing my not eating. 

I narrowed my eyes at him across the table, giving him a perfect death glare. "Maybe thats 'cause I said I wasn't hungry. Clear your ears, shitty brat." 

"You can manage one bite." He stated, never losing that cheeky grin of his. 

"Why are you so damn persistant?!" I growled, crossing my arms and looking to the side.

Ignoring my question, he said, "If you don't, I'll leave."

Dammit. I wanted the brat to stay. F-For research pu-Oh fuck it! I liked the cute, cheeky, sexy, overly-happy, annoying brat! I've never felt anything like this before, and I wasn't sure I would know what to do, but, for Eren, I would try. I'd figure out how this love thing worked. 

I "tch"ed and grabbed my untouched fork and stabbed a piece of chicken, feeling that meat was the best way to go, and slowly raised it to my mouth. I angled my face down so Eren wouldn't see my fangs, and stuck the food in and swallowed heavily.

"GUH!" I spat, utterly revolted by the offending taste on my tongue. I quickly wiped at it, trying to get rid of it, but to no avail. 

"Wow, you must really hate chinese food!" He tried to hold in a laugh, not succeeding in the least. I made a mental note to not take Eren out to dinner again.

        "Shut up, Brat." I said, content now that the taste was fading. I noticed that Eren had finished eating, and for some reason I suddenly didn't like how much space the table put between us, so I slapped money down on the table and pulled him out the door.

        "Where do you want to go now..." I asked, trying, and failing, at sounding indiffferent. Glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, I saw him in deep thought, before he broke into a huge grin and took my hand, causing a light rose color to dust my cheeks. He dragged me after him through many streets, turning every now and then. 

        Finally, Eren slowed down as we came into a park I hadn't seen before. I looked around in awe as he led me down a dimly lit path, the light just barely showing the leaves and flowers adorning the space beside the path. I looked ahead and saw a huge oak tree that was orange and red 'cause of fall. It had a worn bench under it, and it had a perfect view of the vacant park.

"Wow, Eren... This place... It's beautiful." I squeezed his hand as we came up to the bench and sat down.

"Isn't it? I found it one day and I've been visiting regularly since, this is my favorite spot. I'm glad you like it." As he spoke, I realised just how calming and soft his voice was, and I leaned into him, wanting to listen to it all day.

Wait a second. What is wrong with me?? Sitting in a park filled with flowers, almost cuddling with a teenager?! It's like I've grown soft! This brat... how can he so severly alter my entire being within two days? 

        I let out a sigh. Well, it's not like it would be so bad if I was a little soft around him... Just him. I could do this if its Eren. And I will. I realised that no matter how hard I could try, I wouldn't be able to stay away from Eren, so I won't try. I'll make this brat mine.

"Eren, look at me." I spoke softly, turning my head towards his. Eren looked confused, but he shifted so he was looking down at me, me still being curled into his side.Tch, too tall.      

        Grasping his shoulder and leaning up to make up for the drastic height difference, I tentatively pressed my lips to his.  Slowly, I started moving my lips softly against his own, feeling overjoyed when he got over his shock and kissed me back. I hooked my arms around his shoulders, him doing the same around my waist. Pulling back and pecking his lips a few more times, I opened my eyes and waited for a response.

        He was very still, just staring at me shocked, but then he broke into the biggest grin yet, before saying, "Well... How did I do for a first time kissing?" 

        I blinked in shock. First time? Well, he must be a natrual cause that was a damn good kiss. Wait... I was his first? I inwardly squealed, but I kept my face blank except for a small smile as I said, 'It wasn't bad. But don't get cocky, Brat. You have some improving to do before next time."

His eyes lit up. "So, there will be a next time?" I grabbed the front of his shirt and gave him a quick, but deep, kiss, before letting go and standing up with a smirk. 

 "You tell me." 


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