Episode 21

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Joe smiled as Demi entered her class a couple of days later a hall pass in her hand. He took her spare hand after the greeted each other beginning to make their way down the hall. They made it to reception handing their hall passes in then signing out so they could head off to their hospital appointment to see how the baby was doing. They only let go of each other's hands to climb in the back of Denise's car Dianna already in the front. They greeted their moms as they strapped in Denise pulling away.

"How were your classes?" Dianna inquired.

"Mine were okay, I took a couple of tests." Joe stated.

"I did too, it's nearly Christmas though so they'll probably be testing us to see how we have progressed though the year so far." Demi explained.

"I bet your grades have been going up now Joe." Denise praised Joe nodding his head.

"They still aren't great but as long as they are going up." Joe shrugged his shoulders gently. Demi had been tutoring him a lot Joe wanting to get his grades up as much as he could now he didn't have to look after his mother all the time. Dianna's back was causing her more pain and it was becoming beyond the point of Joe's help. She was starting to need a professional.

"Are you still thinking about adoption?" Dianna inquired both of them nodding.

"Just until we've left then take over, we don't want our grades to suffer." Demi replied knowing it was going to be hard to give her baby up but she also knew it would be for the best. Her son or daughter could have permanent care from a permanent care giver and not have to swap around when his or her's parents were at school.

"We'll be here for you whatever you decide to do, even your dad will be Demi." Paul was still a little unsure about what was happening and hadn't even tried to get to know Joe a little more, Denise knew he was just being childish but he also had a strong bond with Demi. He was a little upset that his little girl wasn't so little anymore and his baby girl was having a baby of her own. He would have to get used to the idea.

They all made it to the hospital signing in before they took a seat, they had a little chat again before they were called through into the room. Joe and Demi decided they would go alone, there wasn't a lot of room in the hospital room. Demi had her weight measured and blood pressure done before changing into a gown to have a scan done. She had already taken one of the hospital's pregnancy tests which came back positive too.

"Everything seems to be okay for now, let's see if we can see anything," Doctor Howards stated having to go up to be able to get the baby on the screen. Joe and Demi stared at the screen not able to see anything but Demi wasn't very far along so they would need assistance. "There is your baby." They looked to where the doctor was pointing.

"Does everything look okay?" Demi inquired feeling herself get a little emotional seeing her baby up there for the first time.

"Everything looks fine and actually I believe I can see another baby, it looks like your having twins." she praised a smile coming to her face as it did with Joe and Demi too.

"Are you sure?" Joe questioned.

"It's still early to see clearly but hopefully next time you will see more." They packed up gaining a picture of their babies in their hands excited to be telling their mother's that they would be having two babies. They didn't realise it would be twice as hard to give their child up.

"Obviously with our age we were thinking about adoption, is there anyone we can talk to?"

They were both pretty much certain adoption was the best option for them and their babies.


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