Missing You

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Nightmares are terrible. Whether it's seeing someone you love dying, a creeping looking clown scaring you, or being chased by a murder, it's all terrible. Sure you'll wake up sweating, possibly in tears, and thinking about it for the rest of the day, but the worse kind of nightmares are reliving the ones that actually happened to you. Your brain decides to be cruel to you by replaying the memory in your sleep. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you can never seem to wake up before you get to the worse part. That's been happening to me lately.

I've been staring at my ceiling for what seems like hours but it's only been a few minutes. Every time I look at my clock only five minutes or so seem to have passed.

It's another sleepless night and it's been 5 days since the accident. It was just an accident. It was no one's fault. Liam didn't mean to hurt me, and I should have known not to get that close, but when I'm human and my boyfriend is a werewolf the unexpected is bound to happen. In this case it happened.

I'm lying on my back on my queen size bed. You would think I'd be comfortable but I'm not because I prefer to sleep on my stomach. I'm a mover. I never wake up in the position I fell asleep. Sometimes I'm scrawled all over my bed like I just came home drunk from a killer party. Sometimes I'll wake up without my pillow, realizing my feet are resting on my pillow instead and somehow in the middle of the night I managed to do a 180. But the bandages on my collarbone, stomach, and my left arm seem to prevent me from sleeping on my stomach. What I would give to sleep however the hell I want right now.

Maybe it's not just the stupid nightmare. Maybe it's the fact that haven't seen or spoken to Liam in 5 days. I know he didn't mean to hurt me, but I can't seem to shake it off. I know he's a werewolf but the image of him in his wolf form, teeth snarling at me, and claws scratching all over my body still terrifies me. I'm not ready to see him, and he's not ready to talk to me. It sucks but it's an understanding we have. We both know we need some time and space before we can pick up where we left off. But right now I need him more than ever. 5 days is 5 days too long without him.

It was almost 3am. I doubt he's awake but it doesn't hurt to find out, right?

I reached for my phone from the nightstand and opened a new text message. My mind ran with a million thoughts as I stared at the blank text, but my biggest worry was Liam ignoring my text. Would he do that? Is he not ready to talk to me yet?

My fingers trembled, debating if I should break the silence first, but I knew if I didn't, he wouldn't.

I took a deep breath and began to type.

Y/N: you awake???

Liam: yea

Liam: can't sleep

Y/N: me either

Y/N: i miss you

Liam: i miss you too

Liam: so much

Liam: i'm sorry

Liam: can we talk?

Y/N: yeah. come over.

Liam:  on my way

Ten minutes later

"Y/N?" Liam lightly tapped his fingers against my bedroom window.

I slowly climbed out of my bed and opened the window, letting Liam climb through. I closed the window and looked out instead of facing Liam.

"Y/N." I felt Liam standing behind me, and every bone in my body wanted to wrap my arms around him. I missed his voice. I missed the warmth of his body. I missed his touch. I missed my boyfriend.

Teen Wolf's Liam Dunbar x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now