Warnings: Cancer, Death.... Get tissues. (I know that pretty much spoils some stuff, but I don't care cause y'all need to be warned before reading this or you'll be like my beta, who got upset I didn't warn her before reading this, lol.)
Dr. Smith walked in and saw Liam sitting in a chair close to his wife's bedside. His heart broke at the sight in front of him as Liam held on to her hand ever since she was put in the room. Liam never left her side and he couldn't help but wonder how their love story began. A part of him didn't want to ask because he knew he was going to be the one to break the news that their love story was coming to an end. Although Liam knew the doctor was in the room, he ignored him and looked at his wife asleep on the hospital bed, remembering the first time he laid eyes on her.
It was a warm summer night and the carnival was filled with families, friends, and couples in lines for rides and food. The smell of popcorn, funnel cakes, corn dogs, and dirt filled Liam's nose as he walked through the crowded carnival with his best friend, Mason. Liam listened and nodded along as Mason rambled about his date with Corey the night before. Liam shoved his hands in his front pockets as they reached the end of the ticket line.
He turned around and saw a beautiful girl with her head rolled back and a hand resting on her stomach, as she laughed hard. The girl in front of her was laughing too, instantly drawing the attention of people passing by them. However, it was her sweet and innocent laughter that caught his attention. When they stopped laughing, Liam noticed the girl wiping her eyes from crying. She had a beautiful smile and Liam couldn't help but smile too.
"Bro!" Mason's hand waved in front of Liam's awe struck face. "Are you listening to me?"
Liam snapped back to reality. "Yeah... I mean no." He looked at the girl once more before looking back at Mason. "What did you say?" He asked confused.
"Do you have a curfew tonight?" Mason asked Liam as he pulled out his wallet from his back pocket.
Liam shook his head as he looked for the 5-dollar bill his stepfather gave him before he left the house. "Just as long as I don't stay out too late and if I sleep over at your place, just to call them and let them know."
"Sweet," Mason smiled as he pulled out the folded 5-dollar bill from his wallet and took a step forward as the line moved.
"Hey, baby. How about you ditch this ride and let me take you on a ride you'll never forget," Liam's head snapped up at the sound of some jerk being totally disrespectful to a girl. His eyes scanned his surroundings until they landed on the beautiful girl he was staring at a few minutes ago. Except, this time she wasn't smiling and her friend was nowhere to be found. The girl was terrified and extremely uncomfortable. She was trapped between his arms as he leaned against a wall.
"What do you say, sexy?" She flinched at the guy's words.
Anger washed over his body and Liam knew he had to keep it together. He couldn't wolf out in a public place like this, nor could he get in trouble for nearly killing a guy with a few punches. He took a deep breath through his nose and slowly exhaled.
"Bro, you okay?" Mason asked, noticing the sudden change in Liam.
Liam ignored Mason as an idea popped in Liam's head to help save the girl. He didn't know if it would work, but he could only hope it would and she would go along with it.
"I'll be right back," Liam gritted through his teeth as he walked out of line and towards the girl.
"Umm... I-I don't... think," she stuttered before she swallowed and tried to regain her composure. "That's not a good idea."

Teen Wolf's Liam Dunbar x Reader Imagines
FanfictionThese are all my Liam Dunbar (Teen Wolf) imagines. Some of the storylines are my ideas and some were prompts given my my readers and followers on Tumblr. Occasionally, you will find Dylan Sprayberry imagines in this book as well.