I'm Nothing Without Her - Part 2

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The ball flew at full speed towards Liam. Before he could catch the ball with his lacrosse stick, Y/N ran towards him. She aimed low before standing up straight and flipped him over her shoulder. Liam let out a loud groan when his back hit the hard ground.

"Nice job, Little McCall!" Coach Finstock yelled across the field before he blew the whistle, signaling the end of practice. "Hit the showers! Your stench is making my eyes watery!"

A couple of guys jogged towards the locker rooms, while others grabbed a quick drink from the table filled with water bottles. Scott rushed to Liam's side, who was still struggling to sit up. Y/N removed her helmet as she walked right pass them without so much as glancing at them.

"Y/N, what the hell?" Scott hissed. "You could have hurt him."

"We both know he'll be perfectly fine," she said over her shoulder as she kept on waking towards the girls' locker room.

Scott looked at Liam with a look asking what that was about. Liam took off his helmet. "She's mad at me."

"Obviously, but why?" Scott asked.

Liam let out a shaky breath, still trying to gasp for air after that hard hit. "She's tired of listening to me complain about Hayden leaving." Liam shook his head, "not complaining, whining and moping are the words she used," he corrected himself.

"Oh," Scott said, not knowing what else to say without admitting he knew why Y/N got tired of Liam's heartbreak over Hayden.

"Did you know she's been in love before?" Liam asked. Scott stayed quiet, but Liam didn't let that go unnoticed. "You did. Who was it?"

Scott shook his head. "What happened, Liam?" He asked, trying to get back to the original topic.

"She snapped at me for whining about Hayden all summer long and I told her she wouldn't understand, except she said she did. Then, she said something that kind of stung..." He trailed. Scott motioned Liam to continue. "She said, you fall in love more than once."

Scott's heart skipped a beat as the memory of Allison crossed his mind. He remembered struggling with his shift after their break-up, believing he couldn't do it without Allison, until his mom told him to be his own anchor.

Liam noticed the sadness radiating from Scott. "What's wrong?"

"Liam," Scott sighed realizing how badly his little sister was hurting, almost as bad as Liam was hurting over Hayden. "You need to talk to her."

Scott stood up and left Liam sitting in the middle of the floor with his thoughts. A million thoughts were running through his mind, and the more he thought about Y/N, her being in love with someone else, and being done with Liam, the more his stomach dropped with fear. There was only one reason why she would be this upset. Liam was scared to know the truth and possibly lose her for good.


"What are doing here, Liam?" Y/N said as she walked back into her bedroom, mentally cursing herself for forgetting to lock her window.

"I wanted to see you," he said softly. Y/N didn't say anything. She wasn't going to be the one to make the first move. Liam sighed as he walked towards her, making Y/N's heart beat faster after each step he took. He closed the bedroom door behind her and turned around to face her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered carefully.

Y/N shrugged. "It wasn't worth telling you if I already knew the guy I loved wouldn't return my feelings."

"But I'm you're best friend," he reached for her hand. "You're supposed to tell me everything..." he trailed slowly. "Including when you have feelings for me."

Y/N's heart jumped to her throat as her eyes widened. "How- um," she stammered as she pulled her hand out of his.

"It doesn't matter how I figured it out. Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered.

"Liam, you were with Hayden-"


"So, it wouldn't have been right or fair. It would have been selfish of me. Don't you get that?"

"But I love you, too..." he swallowed hard.

Anger washed over her skin. She couldn't help lifting her hand and slapping him across his cheek. "Get out!"

Liam gave her a confused look as his hand reached his burning cheek. "What?"

"Get the fuck out of here, Liam! You can't-" Liam cupped her cheeks and meshed his lips against hers. Refusing to kiss him back, Y/N pushed him back with tears in her eyes. "You can't do this," she whispered.

"Why not?"

"You were literally heartbroken about Hayden an hour ago. After months of mopping around, you expect me to believe you suddenly got over her and you have feelings for me now? How do you think that makes me feel, Liam?"


"Like I'm some fucking rebound, a distraction from the pain she caused you until you're ready to be with someone else or when you reunite with Hayden in college," Y/N shook her head, wiping away the fallen tears on her cheeks. "Liam, please leave."

"No, because I feel like once I leave here, I'm going to lose you..." he whispered, tears now brimming around his sad blue eyes.

"Maybe it's for the best. Maybe we weren't meant to be."

"Or maybe it's just bad timing," he said hopeful. "Maybe if you gave me some time-"

She shook her head, disagreeing with him as she stood by her open window. "That's the problem. I've been waiting and now..." She trailed. "I'm done waiting. A person can only wait for so long, Liam."

Liam slowly walked towards her. He hesitated before climbing out the window to look at her. "Y/N, I do love you and I'm so sorry."

She sniffled before she looked up at him. "I'm sorry too."


Mason's smile disappeared as soon as he opened the door and saw his best friend absolutely devastated. His eyes were red and puffy, his hair matted in every direction. "What happened?"

Liam sniffled as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. "I think I lost her, too, Mase..."

"I'm sure it'll be fine. It's you and Y/N. She just needs a few days to cool off."

Liam shook his head. "No. We're done."


"You wanna know something messed up?" Mason looked at Liam, waiting for an answer. "I thought losing Hayden was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I thought she was my everything, but she's not. Y/N is," Liam's voice cracked.

"Liam," Mason pulled him in for a hug. Mason was never one to hug Liam, but looking at him and how heartbroken he was, Mason knew his best friend needed him.

"Mason, I know I said this before, but this time I really mean it. I can't do this. I'm nothing without her..."

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