Chapter 43 - I Don't Know What To Do ?

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Jasmine 's P.O.V

I wake up to my whole body mostly on top of Daniel with his arms around me . My head was resting on his chest as I listen to the sound of his breathing . One more week in this house and we will be leaving . We went on to see some tourist and of course went shopping . Every one is loving this new me that I don't see but oh well .

Daniel made sure we went on a proper date which was magical since we went on a boat ride to see and saw the stars while eating Italian food . Also , we went on a quadruple date with Nicole ,Brandon , Jenna ,Lucas , Bianca and James . It was pretty fun since we tried something new such as ice skating . I fell like 3 times but Daniel helped me .

I decide to get up and take a shower since Nicole , Lucas ,Natalie , James and Noel are leaving due to their parents having other plans . I just put on one of Daniel's t-shirt and shorts . I walk downstairs to be greeted by Nicole making breakfast .

" Do you need any help " I asked leaning over the counter as Jenna walks down the stairs .

" Are you sure you won't burn the food " She says and we ended up laughing since she stopped mixing the pancake batter .

" Trust me , I got this " I said taking out the eggs from the fridge . Jenna sits at the counter and watches us .

As I whip up the eggs , Nicole started to make tea for all three of us . Nicole started to make the pancakes and I made the scrambled eggs . I will say that they came out pretty good . I put the syrup on the table and get the plates . All three of us sit down with the food on our plates with a cup of tea .

" Wow , hopefully I don't get food poison from these eggs " Jenna says making us laugh .

" Very funny but I can actually cook " I said while drizzling a lot of syrup on my pancakes .

" So are you two love birds , you know getting it on " Jenna asks with a smirk on her face and I rolled my eyes . Nicole snatches the syrup from my hand leaving me shock . I can go over board with the syrup sometimes .

" Well first off no because we've only been dating for 2 weeks and 3 days so far and second I am going to take things slow " I said while digging into my pancakes . Jenna and I both glance towards Nicole as she starts blush .

"What " She asks with her eyes widened . She knows what is up . I tilt my head to the side and she sighs .

"Okay we are planning the special night " Nicole whispers and making us get excited . Jenna starts talking very fast about people who she knows for Nicole to get a discount on some restaurants . I laugh while drinking my tea when I suddenly remember something .

" Oh my gosh , guess who I saw at the beach party we went to from down the block " I said interrupting them but I really wanted to tell them the news . Jenna and Nicole both give me looks to continue as they drink their tea .

"Dallas Saudin " I said and they both almost spit out their tea . I didn't expect them to be this surprise . " Well , then he told me about this international program that allows high schoolers and college students to join . He said with my grades , I can actually have a chance getting a full scholarship because the founder of the group is his brother . Also , they sent me an email from the program a week ago saying that my application has been accepted and I have to set up an interview with them and also submit an essay " I continued taking a bite out of my pancakes . Jenna and Nicole stare at me in shock .

" Oh my gosh , Jasmine and you didn't tell anyone this ? Are you going to go ? We need to go shopping for an interview outfit " Nicole says being happy and excited for me .

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