Chapter 26 - Turning Point

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Daniel's P.O.V

I walked to my locker looking dead.Today is Monday and it's time to go back to school.Winter break was fun but yet heartbroken.I even told the truth of Lacey as to why I was breaking up with her.I care about her but not in the way I care and love Jasmine.I am still confuse from New Year's Eve. My thoughts were all scattered.

"How you feeling , bro"James asks .I greeted him with a usual handshake.

"I feel like crap"I muttered.

"Remember what you told me a few months ago when Jasmine was dating Dallas"James asks.I nodded my head no.

"You told me that if you ever fall in love with her, I should punch you in the stomach because that is how love feels.Then, you told me all you ever wanted for her is to be happy"James says.

"I hate you"I said.James have always been the guy to have good memory or words of wisdoms.Ever since I met him he would always lecture me when I did something stupid.

"And I love you like a brother from another mother"James says grinning like he won a medal.

Right when I was about to say something James glance at something behind me .I gave him a confuse look and he gave me a "if you want , just turn around" look. I couldn't reisist turning around.I look at how happy she is.Their hands were intertwine together as they walk down the hallway.Everyone is looking at them like they can see the love in the air or they are now the power couple for the school.She is laughing at something he said while he smirks.She look so perfect with her soft , black curls , beaming face and a big smile on her face.She is purely happy but I couldn't help but hold regret.She is beautiful to me but it hurts to see her with him.

Anthony is my best friend , so I should be happy for him but he knew how I felt about her.They are now walking towards James and I.

"Back to school"Anthony groans then smiles doing the usual handshake with me first, then with James.I look at Jasmine and she is just staring at the ground.

"Oh, there you guys are"I hear a chirpy familiar voice.All four of us shift our eye gaze to Jenna who is just staring at Anthony and Jasmine confusingly since their hands are together.

"We will fill you in at lunch"James says to her . Jasmine looks up and I smile to finally see her precious eyes.But still she is avoiding my eye contact.

"Come on, I'll just tell you now"Jasmine says rolling her eyes.My heart just broke a little more as I saw her just kiss Anthony in front of me.It was awkward. She then say "See you later" to everyone in general.

Jasmine clings her arm with Jenna and they walk off togethwr into the hallway.James and Anthony are now having a conversation that I am pretending to listen to.Yes ,you guess it, I am thinking about Jasmine until James says something about him leaving Anthony and I.

"So, I hope everything is good between us " Anthony says.

"Of course, bros for life "I said shaking my head at how cheesy it was.I am being honest.

"So it wouldn't be awkward between Jasmine and you"he says.

"Promise, I won't make it awkward at all.We are just friends"I said.Making it clear for him to see I won't try anything with her.I bet she still hates me.

"So, you are okay with us dating"Anthony says smirking.I bet he wants to just know that answer.The thing about Anthony is that he never wants to let people down.

"Yes, I am okay with it"I said firmly.No, I am not okay with it.What was he thinking? He already had his chance.

Anthony nods and we walk to class since we have the same class.Also, with Jasmine and Brandon. When is this torture going to stop?

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