Chapter 45- Lost My Chances

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Daniel's P.O.V

I open my eyes to my phone ringing and I groaned turning over. It was an alarm for 7 a.m .

It was when Jasmine and I planned to go running together every single day . I will want to go running . I extend my arm to reach for her as I feel nothing. I guess she got up early this morning. I get out of bed and open the curtains to see the view of the ocean .

I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth along with taking a shower. I guess I will take Jasmine out today for breakfast since we are both up early. I dial her number but it went straight to voicemail . I changed into a t-shirt and jeans . I go downstairs and straight into the kitchen to see Noel drinking coffee on his laptop .

I ruffled his hair up as he jumps up to fix it .

"Morning to you too " He says still looking at his laptop .

" Do you know where Jasmine is ? " I asked looking in the fridge .

Just thinking about her makes me smile . She is irresistible . I can't believe we are still dating . It's like a whole new meaning to the world when I am with her . I am in love with her that I actually want to spend the rest of my life with her. I know it's a bit over the top but -

" Where is Jasmine ?" I hear the sound of Lacey's voice asks sitting on the counter .

" Maybe she is in the pool , beach or went for a walk " Jenna says walking in and I agree with her . Jasmine sometimes like to be alone and I respect that.

Therefore, we make breakfast and eat in silence only because Jenna was on her phobe as Noel was still on his laptop . While I was just waiting for Jasmine to walk through the door and steal my pancake along with a kiss me on the cheek then sits next to me talking about today's plans .

I get up and wash my plate in the sink as Anthony and Natalie walks in together . of course .

Three hours have pass and I am still sitting and waiting on Jasmine to get back. Where the hell can she be?

I take out my phone and try to call her again but it goes straight to voicemail .

" Guys I am starting to get worried " Jenna says as I enter the living room . I guess Jasmine is trying to play some game .

Lacey tries to comfort me but I walk away from the group . I go to the room and search for anything .She must've left a note or something .But nothing .I walk towards the closet and open the door to it .O check everywhere else but all of her stuff are gone .Where is she ? When did she leave? Why did she leave ?

I clenched my fist as I try not to break anything. I walk out the room quickly and run down the stairs .

" All her stuff are gone " I say as soon as see the group still standing in the same place I left them. Noel looks up from his laptop and finally shuts it after all this time .

" We should call the cops " Anthony says taking out his phone ready to call the number .

He puts it on speakers as we wait patiently for someone to pick up . A ssoons as the guy answers Noel quickly ends the call .

"What the hell was that for " Anthony asks as we all wonder the same thing .

"Jasmine is alright " He says taking a few steps back .

" How do you know this " I ask as I bet we are all wondering the same thing . He looks a bit scared but takes a deep breath .

" She asked me yesterday to take her home. She wanted to leave when all you guys were asleep so you guys don't try to stop her " Noel says . Everyone looks shock but I can feel my blood start to boil .

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