Chapter 25- New Year and A New Decision

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I woke up coughing with a sore throat, headache ,stuffy nose and feeling restless.

Today is New Year's Eve and I am suppose to have my date with Daniel . However, I was stupid enough to leave my bedroom window open and it was snowing. Now, there my bedroom floor is wet due to the snow coming in last night.Also, the worst part is I am fatigue from being sick.My body is numb from the cold.Plus, I even slept with my hair wet.I could say that I wasn't thinking at all last night since I've been waiting for this  day to come ,where I go on a date with Daniel. I was anxious yesterday thinking of what to wear and how to do my hair.

I looked at my phone and half of day is already done.Daniel says he will be at my house by 8.I don't think I should go on this date due to my condition but I'll regret it if I don't.

Of course everybody leaves me all alone when I am sick and feel motionless.My mom leaves me a big pot of chicken noodle soup in the kitchen.

I peeled the blankets off me and forced myself out of bed. I closed my bedroom window  and went into the bathroom.I did my usual routine of brushing my teeth and taking a hot shower.I roamed around my house in soft, comfy, thick and warm pajamas. I put on my fuzzy socks with a big, fluffy robe, and made my way to the kitchen.I turned on the stove as soon as I enter the kitchen to make tea.

I shuffle my way towards the fridge to get milk.I rested the milk on the kitchen counter and got my phone out.I started to feel a little dizzy and nautious.Why today out of all days I have to be sick?

I took come cough medicine and started to worry.I finally got a chance to go on a date with Daniel but I have to be sick.I quickly texted him that we have to reschedule our date due to me being sick.I put down my phone and went to check on the tea.

When the tea was ready I poured it out into my favorite mug.I poured milk and sugar into the mug and put it a way.I went into the living room with my mug and sat on the couch.I turned on the tv and decided to watch reruns of "Switch At Birth".

I carefully sipped my tea until the doorbell rang. I rolled my eyes not wanting to open the door but I got up anyways to do it.I opened the door and Dallas walks in with a big smile.

"Good afternoon Jasmine Mangal"he says taking a seat on the couch.

"Why are you here"I asked closing the door.

"Tonight is my big party for New Year's Eve and I want you to come"Dallas says looking at his phone.

"Can't see that I am sick"I said raising an eyebrow.

"You are perfect just the way you are"Dallas says tilting his head a little with a smile.

"Shut up"I said.

"Are you going to come"Dallas asks.

"No"I said simply.

"Why not"Dallas says sounding like a three year old.

"I have a date"I said lying.

"With who"Dallas says seeming confused.

"Daniel"I said looking everywhere else except at him.

"Ohh I see how it is"Dallas says with a smirk.

"Why are you really here"I asked wanting to know.

"Well , the bet"Dallas says slowly.

"The bet "I said confusingly.

"Today was suppose to be the day I break up with you if we were still dating"Dallas says avoiding eye contact.

"oh that bet"I said not knowing what else to say.

"I feel guilty about so I am here to apologize .I am so sorry for using you for that . Let's just say I wasn't really thinking at that moment."Dallas says now making eye contact with me.

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