Chapter 11-A "Normal" Day

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I woke up and I walk to my kitchen looking for breakfast surprisingly seeing my mom.I took a seat next to her on the dining table.

"You're up early"she said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Maybe because I have school"I said.

My mom rolled her eyes .She studied my face and knew something was wrong."What's wrong" she says furrowing her eyebrows.

I took a deep sigh "Nothing, just thinking"I said.I was really confused with who to choose .Daniel is so easy to be around with and talk but Dallas has never shown me this side of him.

"Really!Tell me whats up"She said.

"Umm..well there is a beautiful dress that I've been wanting to get for a very long time.However, there is a new dress that caught my eyes as soon as I tried it on"I said.

"Really,and you've been saving money for the old dress but you saw a new one in mind .Translation to this is that I think you are having some trouble with boys"she said.

"Well yea"I said trying to look innocent.The dress I've been waiting for all this time was Dallas while the new one that caught my eye is Daniel.

My mom got up and went to the kitchen as I followed her trying to look for advice.

"If I were you I would go to the new dress because you wouldn't have feelings for this one if you still had it for the other one"she said.

I shrugged and opened the fridge.My dad came in and gave my mom peck on the lip.

"Good morning dad "I said while leaving the with my instant oatmeal.

"Don't listen to your mother for advice because she came running back to me "He said.

I shaked the thoughts of my mother and father .I walked into Chantal room for one last advice.

"I think you should pick the one who's been there for you the most."she said while putting on her makeup.

"It was Dallas who been there for me at the party "I said .

"So there you go and hurry up and get ready before I leave you"She said.

I hurried to my room and took a quick shower.I scan my closet and figured out that I would wear a black lace romper with matching flats and I just left my hair down and straightened it.I put on my glasses and ran downstairs while putting on a pair of diamond studs.

"What took you so long "my little sister said .

"Whatever ,bye"I said stealing a piece of bacon from her plate.

"Text me if you need something , don't call me."My mom said while doing dishes.

"Okay bye"I said.

I hopped into the car and my sister drove off."Why can't you just walk it's only like 15 to 20 mins"Chantal says putting on the radio.

"How about if I just take the car keys instead"I said .

"Hell no , I know where you live"she says.

"I love you too , bye"i said hopping out of the car and slinging my bag over my shoulder.

I opened the door and walked in to the building.Jenna runs up to me and loops her arm around me.

"I got your emergency text,whats wrong"she says waving at Nicole who is walking towards us with the same expression as Jenna.

"I went on a date with Daniel yesterday and it was like majic.But the day I became friends back with you guys, I sorta kissed Dallas and he wants us to be official.But Daniel is so great and he is such a gentleman while Dallas is just making me feel like a princess and I liked him since I was a freshman.Also, I have Anthony hoping for another shot with me but I really don't want to say no to him either"I said sighing.

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