Chapter 19- Work of Art

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Today is Thursday and I might be getting the call from the clinic even though I already know that I am pregnant already.I am sitting at the dining table waiting for something to happen. I woke up so early today that school starts in an hour.I am literally freaking out about telling my parents and sisters.They could kick me out the house or be disappointed at me forever. I decided to text my friends "I  woke up so early, who wants to grab breakfast" to see if they're up.I sent it to Anthony, James, Nicole, Jenna and Brandon. I was thinking of sending it to Daniel but it was too risky.I went in the kitchen to get some orange juice.I sat down on the couch watching tv before school started.A while after my sisters started to run around the house since they woke up late.My mom was already in the kitchen making some coffee with my dad already drinking his.A while after everybody started to run out the house leaving my sister and i since my sisters has to drive me to school. Chantal walks in putting on an earring.

"Why didn't you wake us up since you are an early bird " she asks me while grabbing her her bag.

"Ever heard of an alarm " I said smiling at her.She just rolled her eyes and grabbed any random car key.I followed her out with my bag and put on my jacket it was starting to get cold. I waited for her to lock the door and we walked to the car quietly and got in.The ride to school was quiet until my phone started to ring.I prayed that it wasn't the clinic.I looked at the screen and it wasn't who I expected to really call.

"Hello " I said awkwardly.

"Hi Jasmine, um it's me, Dallas " He says. I rolled my eyes.I thought I deleted his number.

"Yea, I know " I said.

"Do you want to grab a bite after school.? I really want to sort things out between us " he says.I hesitated at first wanting to say No but part of me wants to say yes.

"Sure " I said.

"Really " Dallas says.The way he says it makes me smile.

"Yes really, bye " I said ending the call.I looked at my sister who had a poker face on.

"What " I said.

"I am trying to connect the dots " Channel says pulling in to a parking spot so I can get out.

"What dots " I ask.

"You broke up with Dallas like two days ago then started dating Daniel and now you are going somewhere after school  with Dallas"Chantal says.I told her everything what happened at Nicole's house but except the pregnant part.

"Daniel and I broke up " I said playing with the ends of my hair.

"Already! It hasn't even been a day with you and Daniel.But why go out with Dallas if he broke your heart " Chantal says.

"I just want to loosen up and have no worries " I  shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever, just don't end up getting pregnant "Chantal says joking. Well it's too late already.But I pretend to laugh at her joke.I told her bye and kissed her on the cheek. I came out of the car and just watch her drove off.My phone rings again with a number i don't know.

"Hello " I answered.

"Hi is this Jasmine Mangal " a lady says in an accent.

"Yes, this is her " I said feeling my stomach knot up.

"Well you results from your pregnancy tests and the tests come up a negative.So from furthest notice you are not pregnant " the lady says.I start to smile and cry with happy tears .

"But I took a test at home from the pharmacy and it came up positive " I said getting worried still.

"Well those things are sometimes right or wrong but here at the clinic we give you one hundred percent true " the lady says.I start to smile.Stress has been released from my body.

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