Chapter 22-A Walk in the Park

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I kept checking my phone every minute.I feel like a zombie from staying up all night.It's been three days since winter formal but no text or call from Anthony. I don't want to text him first because than that will seem desperate. I have a million text messages from Daniel. A few from James , Nicole, Jenna, Dallas and Brandon. I haven't reply back to them much.I am walking around my house with the phone in my hand.There is nobody home except for me and my dad.

It's one o 'clock in the afternoon and I am still in pajamas.I should be going out with friends but I am too busy waiting for Anthony just to text me.How about if I go out and then he wants to hang out?

Ugh, it's all so complicated. I just finish eating brunch so I decided to gi take a nice hot shower since it's freezing in my house even though the heat is on.I stripped out of my clothes and went into the shower with my phone at the sink.

After a good 30 minutes , I got out of the shower.I went to my room and quickly put on another pair of pajamas.I wrapped my big, fluffy, warm and pink robe around me to finish it off I wore furry socks.My hair is wet due to me washing my hair just now.I went back downstairs to watch tv.

"Jasmine "I hear my dad says from his office.I walked to his office that was all the way on rhe other side of the house.I came in and layed down on the couch.

"Yes"I said innocently.

"What is going on with you and Adrian's son"my dad says looking serious. As in Adrian he meant Daniel's dad.

"Nothing just friends"I said simply rolling my lips into my mouth, something I do when I am nervous.

"You're lying"my dad says laughing making me confused.

"What is funny" I said.

"Me and Adrian just thought we could play cupid between you guys"my dad says.I rolled my eyes.

"Dad that is weird"I said.

"We are having dinner with the Singh's tomorrow since it's Christmas, at their house"My dad says smiling like he accomplished something.After that my heart drops.I forgot tomorrow was Christmas. How could I be so absent-minded? I need to go shopping now.That is why my sisters or mom is not here.They always go to their favorite mall together.

"Okay bye dad"I said.

"Wait, I have something to give you"he says getting up.

"But Christmas is tomorrow and I need to go shopping"I said.

"How are you going to get there"he says.

"By borrowing a car from you"I said.

"No"my dad says.

"You own 4 cars"I said.

"How about if you have your very own"My dad says with a big smile.

"You're lying"I said getting a little hyperactive. My dad doesn't say anything. He just goes opens a draw and pulls out a car key.

"Am I lying"he says casually throwing keys into the air and I caught.

"Omg , thank you, thank you, thank you.I love you"I said.

"What kind of car is it"I asked.

"A white Nissan Altima"my dad says.

"Let me guess, you selled all of the cars that I love but you and mom hate and then bought yourself a black Escalade Cadillac ,a white one for Chantal , a silver Chevrolet Volt for mom and my white Nissan Altima.

"You know me too well.Now get out of here and Merry Early Christmas, but I am driving you to the mall sinve I need this car now"my dad says looking guilty.I then gave him a hug not caring because I have a car.

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