Chapter 12-I Thought You Were Better Than That

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"Shall we go now"I said looking at both Dallas and Daniel still glaring at each other.

"Sure"Dallas says gritting his teeth.

For the whole time Daniel holded my hand but his jaw was cletched while Dallas stiffened while he saw Daniel and I holding hands.As we got in front of Tyler's house I could still feel the tension in the air.I awed at how big Tyler's house was.Yes I consider my house big but his house was enormous.

"Come on" I said pulling at Daniel's hand to the door but he just stopped right next to Dallas.

"Yea but first"Daniel says as everything moved in slow motion.Daniel mischievously smiles and threw a punch at Dallas.Right when Daniel was walking away Dallas cletched his fist and hit straight into Daniel's eye.Daniel got off from the floor fast and took another swing at Dallas.Dallas grunted as Daniel punch him in the stomach.I just stood there speechless. I felt tears coming down my eyes but at the same time I was fuming with anger.I saw the glare Dallas flashed me trying to maintain Daniel.I rushed to the lawn and noticed Daniel's black eye.When Daniel was about to throw another punch at Dallas I put my hand on Daniel to stop him and I regretted it.He gave me a big push with his other hand while I fell to the ground in pain while I heard a snap from one of my heels breaking that I bought today.Pain was streaming by my ankle and my right hand started to bleed from the flower pot that is now broken.I was so mad right now.Why did Daniel do this ?I hate him so much right now.My hand was feeling numb and I couldn't get up since my ankle is now twisted.I cried in pain while Dallas pushed Daniel and came to me."I think we have to take you to the hospital"Dallas says looking at my ankle and hand.

"Jasmine,I am so-

"Just stop "I said crying in pain cutting off Daniel.

"Go get Nicole, Jenna, Anthony , James and Brandon while I drive her to the hospital"Dallas says as he quickly lifted me up and ran to his car.He gave me a cloth and told me to wrap it around my hand.I stared at the blood that was now dripping on my pants.I couldn't help but feel dizzy.The rest of it was a blur.


I woke up to the smell of rubbing alcohol and nurses passing by the room.I looked at the bandages that were wrapped around my hand and a cast on my foot. Memories of last night suddenly flooded through my head.I began to feel my blood boiling.I looked around the room and saw Dallas sleeping in the chair that is a few inches away from my bed.I smile in relief to see my parents walking in the room."We are so glad that you are okay.Next time you should look where you are going"my mom says sitting next to me on the hospital bed.I sighed in relief that she didn't know the truth that it was Daniel's fault.

"I am so sorry that I lied to you guys saying that I was going to sleep over at Nicole's when really it was for a party"I said feeling guilty.

"We will deal with that for another time until you are healed.For now you can't play anymore volleyball until the doctor says so"my dad says.I nodded in response.

"Who is he?"my mom asked me looking at Dallas.

"He was the one that helped me got here -

"And boyfriend"Dallas says cutting me off whiled I snapped my head towards him.He smirked in my reaction and yawned.

"Oh really"my dad says crossing his arms around his chest.

"Mmm, ohh look Nicole"I said smiling in relief.

Nicole walked in the room followed by Jenna and Brandon.My mom,dad and Dallas left the room .Jenna and Nicole came around and hugged me.

"We left the party as soon as Daniel told us"Jenna says.

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