Chapter 15-That Would be Complicated

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"Oh come on,it's already've been 4 weeks.Why can't my punishment end.All my grades are still high and I stopped sneaking out.Also, I really don't make mistakes nor problems.I am so sorry for everything but please, Monday is Brandon's birthday."I said pleading to my mom while we look through the clothes rack.

"Can you lower your voice?We are in public with a millin of people in this mall"my mom says while pulling out a polkadot business skirt.

"Mmm"I mumbled.

"Your father and I will talk about it when we get home but just enjoy this bonding time with me without us arguing about your punishment"My mom says.

"Fine, but Saturday is when I sleep in and -

"Emma , is that you" someone says calling my mom's name cutting me off.

Both my mom and I turn around to a woman in front of us that is a few inches taller than my mom.She has a carmel skin color like my mom who is lighter than me.Her hair is pull into a pony tail with some ends falling out.I just stare at my mom and the lady looking at eachother.They suddenly break out into a little scream fest of excitement and hugged eachother.I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh sorry Jasmine, this is Amanda.This is my best friend that I 've been talking about.She is the one that travels the world for her job and our friendship just faded"my mother says.

"But now we can rekindle our friendship. I am not leaving until few months"Amanda says.I just smiled and nodded in response.

"Why don't we have lunch together, I'm buying?"Amanda asks us with a hopeful look.

"Why not"my mom says in a jolly mood.I never seen her this way but she sure does seem happy and bubbly.

"But first I need to find my son.He could be anywhere by now.I'll just text him to meet us by the restaurant.We are having bonding but apparently he went off his own way"Amanda say giggling.

"Oh my god I forgot you had a son.You know with all of thoes daughters you have there"my mom says jokingly while Amanda laughs.I feel like a third wheel right now.

"How old is he, now"my mother asks.

" Just this September he turned 17.A week after before school srarted"Amanda says.

"Oh really, Jasmine here is 16.She is turning 17 in March"my mom says smiling.

"Yes I remeber it like it was just yesterday , when they hanged out."Amanda says.I gave her a confused look and she just smiled at me.

"Lets start walking"my mom suggests.I nodded at her.

As we walked to the restaurant, My mom and Amanda was going on and on about mostly everything.It reminds me of when me, Jenna, Nicole and Brandon talks.We got a table for four and we slided into the booth.Amanda and my mom sat next to eachother leaving me across from them alone waiting for Amanda's son.

"So Jasmine, how are you"Amanda asks me.

"Good but I still don't really understand.What happen to you guys?Like how did your friendship faded with my mom"I asked with a fascinated look.

"It all happened when I got my dream job to become a fashion designer. We had no time to call eachother or there was bad connection where I was.But your mom and I were like this"Amanda says while crossing her middle and index finger.

"Oh"I said vaguely not knowing what else to say.I think I know her but at the same time I don't.

"Is that him?He is so tall"my mom says I assume referring to Amanda's son.I turned around to see how it looks but nothing.

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