Chapter 23-A Very Merry Christmas

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I pulled the comforter near me more due to the coldness of the room.My eyes opened widely to see Daniel right next to me.He had his arm around my waist that was holding me down to the bed.I shot up hoping that my clothes are still on.I didn't want another situation to happen again like with James I sighed in relief as I could feel my soft pajamas on.Daniel yawns and gets up slowly now sitting up.His hair is  messed up which making him look cute.

"What happened to you last night"I said looking at him.

"What do you mean"Daniel asks with a husky voice which made me fall head over heels ten times more than I actually do.

"You were like be right back but you took forever.I waited for like 45 minutes and you were still gone.Then, I tried to stay awake but just fell asleep and woke up to you all cuddled next to me"I said fast trying to catch my breath.

"Well, I actually went to get something in my room.Then, my mom woke up and decided to go grocery shopping for tonight's dinner"Daniel says.

"Why can't Cassandra do it.Like doesn't she get paid for that"I said testing him.

"That what I was trying to wonder myself"Daniel says throwing himself back to the bed and now staring at the ceiling.

"Your mom knows how to cook"I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, only for special events she will cook, plus Cassandra and Steven have their day off  since it's a holiday"Daniel says looking back at me.

"Oh, soo where did you go after grocery shopping"I asked.

"Well, I came back here and I was going to give you this "Daniel says handing me a pink velvet box.My face lit up and I looked at Daniel's who looked patiently waiting for me to open the box.I opened the box and just looked up back at Daniel then looked at the piece of jewelry.It was a diamond ring with a gold band around it. It was simple but yet elegant. I love it.

"Is this real"I asked still being astonished.

"All of it"Daniel says smiling at the ceiling like he accomplished something.

"Oh My God, Daniel I love it"I said hugging him as he laid down.I felt so warm, safe and happy being in his arms.I love it.

"Thank you "I said and gave him an unexpected kiss on the cheek.I could see that he was confused after that.

"Merry Christmas"Daniel says after he wiped out of what just happened.He got off the bed I started walking to the door.

"Wait, let me get my gift for you "I said tugging on his hand to come back.

"Oh you didn't have to"Daniel says.

"Well it's not as expensive as yours because I have a budget"I said knowing that he is rich as hell.Daniel chuckles a bit.I got off the bed and went to the all the shopping bags from the mall.I quickly got the bag with his gift and went back to the bed.I handed him the bag and went to the bathroom.I brushed my teeth and  took a quick shower.I changed into some grey sweats and a white long sleeved fitted shirt. I put my hair into a high ponytail again and walked out of the bathroom. Daniel was no where in the room but the box he gave me was stil there.I took the box and admired the ring again before putting it on.I put on some gold studs before leaving the room.I went downstairs into the kitchen to find Amanda being all jolly.

"Good Morning and Merry Christmas Jasmine"She says all happy flipping some pancakes.

"Same to you"I said giving her a hug.

"How was your night here"she asks.

"Oh , it was fine and thank you for letting me stay"I said.

"No problem.You are welcomed anytime. I am so happy that you and Daniel are finally dating"Amanda says smiling. I frozed at what she just said.I didn't know how to respond to it.

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