Chapter 13-Back on top

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It was my first day back to school since I couldn't walk.It was the middle of October but I still did my homework since my teachers sent me tons of emails for me.I just got my cast off from my ankle and my doctor said it's completely alright now but don't put too much pressure on it.I still have a cast on my left hand but if something even poke my right hand it hurts like hell.

Before I walked into school I took a deep breath and went to my locker. When I got to my locker everybody sent me a sympathetic look and I returned in a friendly smile.

"Omg you are back"Nicole says running up to me.

"Why are you so excited you saw me just yesterday"I said rolling my eyes while taking books out of my bag and putting it into my locker.

"Yes I know, but I am happy for you"Nicole says.

"Thanks"I said closing my locker.

"Sooo , how's you and Daniel"Nicole says acting innocent.I frozed for about five seconds remembering that I didn't actually told them how I ended up in the hospital. I couldn't ruin their friendship between Daniel just because of me.

"okayyy"I said putting emphasis on the k.

"Just tell me before I send an alert text"Nicole says while crossing her arms over her chest.Alert texts are Nicole's thing where she has a problem and sends Alert to Jenna, Brandon and now adding Anthony, Daniel and James to her list for a "meeting"

"No , you can't Daniel is then going to come"I said .

"So tell me"She says.

"Okay umm I don't know what to really say.Daniel and Dallas got into a little fight before we were about to go in.So I decided to make them stop by putting a hand on Daniel's arm but then he pushed me and I ended up with a twisted ankled with my right hand bleeding so yea"I said.

"Ohh that explains alot but I heard about that fight you guys had on the hospital"she said.

"Wait, how do you know about the fight"I said.

"Anthony who told James who told Brandon who told me and I told Jenna"she said.

"So you know that I am dating Dallas"I said quitely.

"The whole school knows "Nicole says in excitement.

"I have to get to clas "I said.

"Okay bye , see you later"Nicole says while walking away.

As I walked into class Mr.Roberts smiled"Welcome back Jasmine".

"Nice to be back and here is the homework"I said handing it to him.I took my usual seat and realized that Daniel sits beging me in class.I sighed and smiled towards people who were giving me welcome back looks.Brandon have just entered the room followed by Daniel and Anthony.I couldn't take much of Daniel's emotion because he didn't make no eye contact with me.Yes I am upset about that but I felt guilty and wanted to apologize about the argument we had when I was in the hospital.I shaked my thoughts away while Brandon took his seat next to me and before he was about to speak the bell rang meaning that class has started.As Mr.Roberts began to talk and write on the chalkboard Brandon turned to me.

"Hey , Nicole told me everything about the incident and Daniel"he whispers.I nodded in response.

"Are you okay"he asks while starting to write notes.

"Yes and no"I said while writing notes as well.Brandon just studied my face for a while and didn't reply.I assumed he realized that I wasn't really trying to think about Daniel when really I regret that whole argument.But I am happy that I am with Dallas now.I contiued my notes until Mr.Roberts reviewed the homework.I mumbled some curses after he said that we needed to hand in a two page essay on what we learned today.As the bell ring I packed my books.Brandon tapped me on the shoulder and I looked up at him."Catch you later at lunch"he said making it sound more like a question.I nodded and he walked away.I put my books in my bag and standed up to face Daniel who was still packing up his bag.I looked at him for a moment until I heard him mumbled something under his breathe.

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