Chapter 44 - The Plan

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Jasmine decides to hang out with Nicole and Jenna for the whole day due to Nicole's last day along with Brandon's , Lucas's , Bianca's and James's . They have a wonderful time together but athe the end of the day Jasmine finally finds out Anthony has been cheating oh her the whole time they were dating with Natalie . Therefore, she calls her sister since she doesn't know what to do . Everyone knew about the little secret except for Lacey and Noel . Jasmine is torn apart .

Jasmine's P.O.V

" I just want to get away from all of this . I feel like as soon as I get pulled back in with all this drama , I am the one that always gets hurt or betrayed . I can't believe they'v been keeping this whole thing from me " I said crying .

" Jasmine, do you have an option to stay ? Come home or change schools " Chantal says calmly . I then realized the international program .

" I got accepted to this international program for my senior year .Dallas told me about it and now I need to submit an essay along with an interview " I said pulling out my laptop from my suitcase .

" Well you better start it now and call make an interview . Are you sure this is what you want ? " She asks me .

" Yes " I said with total confidence . I feel like I got this whole planned down .

" Okay , goodnight love you " She says and I said the same to her. I hanged up the phone and started typing away on my laptop .

I hear a knock on my door and I quickly put myself together . I look in the mirror and put on some makeup to make it look like I wasn't crying . Then , fixed my hair and open the door .

" Oh I am going to miss you so much " Nicole says throwing herself on me and I felt a sting to me . I still can't believe she hasn't told me about Anthony . I thought there was no secrets between us . Smae with Jenna .

" I will miss you , too " I said letting go of her hug and followed her downstairs .

I can see everyone is so happy . Anthony is just chilling acting like everything is okay when really he has been a horrible boyfriend to me . We didn't break up with for the right reasons. He thinks this is some game and my heart is the toy . I look at Natalie who is eating her cereal like she is so innocent . I wish I can just dump that whole bowl on her .

" Bye " Brandon says hugging me while interrupting me in my evil thoughts . I put on a fake smile and hug him back.

I did the same for James , Bianca and Lucas . They are all guilty and I hate that they held this horrible secret from me. I will never do this to them . I screw up once and they are all against me but when Anthony screws up they are all on his side .

I watch as half of my " friends "  drive off and  then went to the kitchen for a water bottle.I walk back to my room and sit on the bed with my legs folded. I should finish my essay in an hour or two. Thank god I am good at essays more than projects . After typing  a page , I hear a knock on the door .

" Hey babe , I am going to be playing video games with Anthony so don't wait up on me  " I nod my head and comes over to kiss me .

As soon as he left , I open up my laptop and continued my essay . I wish I can type the whole night away but finally I finished after an hour of Daniel leaving . I saved it on my USB and went to sleep after that .


I woke up to the sudden noise of something dropping . I shot up right away to see Daniel looking at his phone .

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