Chapter 21-Winter Formal and Regrets

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I woke up to my alarm beeping like a fire alarm.I laid in bed for a good 15 minutes then got up.I brushed my teeth , took a shower and changed into a white over-size knitted sweater with a pair of black jeans and black combat boots. I put in my contact lens and left my hair naturally down.I applied a light layer of make up and just took a glance in the mirror before gathering my stuff.

Today was the winter formal and I am so excited.I never thought that I'll be going with James go the Winter Formal.I thought I was really going to go with Daniel.My phobe vibrated breaking my thoughts away.It was a text from Nicole.

'What ever you do, don't come downstairs' she texted me .Obviously I didn't listen and went downstairs.She was sitting there on my couch with a box.

"Hey Chica"she said giving me a big hug.

"Hey"I said with one of my biggest smiles.

"So I heard you are going with James to winter formal"she said with a smile like she saw this coming.

"Yea, if it's alright with you"I said still wanting to know she still have feelings for him.

"Of course it is , stupid"Nicole says rolling her eyes.

"Here open this"Nicole says not giving me time to speak.I stared at the box until Nicole gave me a nudge.I rolled my eyes playfully and opened the box that revealed a white fabric.I smiled remembering that Nicole, Jenna and Brandon went shopping to get this dress for me.I pulled the dress out of the box to see what it looks like and I was stunned It was gorgeous. It was a shory puffy dress with a sweet heart neck line and strapless . Sequence covered the whole uppes part stopping by the waist line.

"I love it.Thank you .Thank you .Thank you"I said to Nicole who was smiling.

"It was a tough decision on what style to get you " Nicole says.

"You guys are the best but you didn't have to go out your way just to get a dress for me"I said .

"It's okay just remember that after party , when I am drunk"Nicole says laughing.

"Wait, what after party"I asked.

"Daniel's. He texted like everybody yesterday about it" Nicole says.i didn't get a text about it.I took out my phone but nothing . Unbelievable.

"Oh"I said like I know about it.

"Let me guess, he didn't text you"Nicole says.I felt a little hurt about it.

"Did you guys have an argument yesterday"Nicole asks , seeing that I am not speaking.

"Yes and it's-

The doorbell rung cutting me off.I got up and opened the door to see Jenna's face.She is smiling so much.

"So what so you think of the dress"Jenna says.

"It's amazing. How did you get here"I asked.

"Lucas drove me, how did Nicole get here"Jenna says mocking my voice.

"Cab, okay continue "Nicole says simply smiling at me.

"Continue what"Jenna says.

"Her and Daniel's argument"Nicole says.

"Don't say it that loud before my mom hears and get all worried"I whispered since my mom is like best friends with Daniel's mom.

"Okay, continue"Nicole says.I told them everything since I knocked on Daniel's room door to getting out of his car.We had 3 arguments yesterday. This is so complicated.When I was done they were just a bit suprise .

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