Chapter 7-Dealing with Frienemies

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As I walk through the hallway , everyone is looking at me.I walk to my locker hoping no one stops me for a quick chit chat about the party.I opened my locker slightly and as I closed Daniel scares assuming that he was waiting behind me.He frowns a little with my expression.I didn't even know if we were friends or not.He left me at the party.

"Hi" I greeted leaning on my locker.

"Umm hey , I know there are tensions between you and the crew but what about us.Remeber the kiss and me telling you that I am falling for you."He says looking at his schedule.

I took a deep sigh "Well I just want to stay friends with you.I want to keep a low profile since everyone knows what happened at the party.Also, you were kind of a jerk for leaving me like that"I said sticking out my tongue playfully.

"Hahaha real mature but what's up with you and your friends .Are you guys going to make up?"he says .

"They hate my guts and replaced me with Lacey , who is my worst enemy that hook up with my boyfriend. She hates me too .They even said she was better than me.ughh"I said.

"Gosh that gotta hurt but hang in there they will come around."Daniel says patting me on the back.

I nodded slowly meaning that I had no response .Nicole told she hated me three times and I apologized but it wasn't enough.

Daniel walks away and disappears into the crowd.I look at my planner trying to act busy.A big hand just slap into my all my books bringing force into making them all fall on the hallway floor.I look at my books then look up to see it was Lacey smiling.

"Oops my bad" she says.

I wanted to push her into the wall but I know it would only make me look worse.I rolled my eyes and picked up my books as she walked away.I walk to class and stayed quiet for the rest of the day.I said had a little conversation with Dallas and Anthony.I went straight home and spended the rest of my day home alone doing homework, eat, shower and sleep.



My sister took my car this morning and i ended up walking and taking the train in the rain to school.What a good start of the day.As i enter school there was tables set around the hallway for all the clubs you can join.They had this big Rally about the clubs and I was just on my phone the whole time.I bumped into Nicole while exiting the gym and going to the tables . She just walked away.I wanted to apologize to her again but no words could've came out my mouth.I literally screwed up alot. After that long fair I decided to join the dance comitee club.

I went straight to class and History was the most awkwardest class on earth.I sit next to Brandon.He didn't even look at me once, I even tried to make distractions for him to look at me but still nothing.He kept texting Nicole during class.I guess they are a thing now because of my advice.

At lunch I sat alone by myself Dallas was no where in sight nor Anthony. Daniel was with Jenna and the others.I have computers next but I want to skip it because Nicole, Jenna, Brandon, Lacey and I all have that class together.The tension is going to be high there and I don't need that.As I was throwing out my waterbottle Jenna was going to the garbage at the same time.I look at her and she mumbled something that couldn't make out.I gave her a look of confusion and she cleared her throat."We are better off without you"she said and Lacey comes and loops her arms around Jennas arm and they both give me a devilish smile.She can't really mean .I've been there for her when everybody used to make fun of her and push her around like what the hell.When the bell rang I was debating rather to skip or suffer.

I opened the door slowly and walked a few more steps.It was dark until I reach another door.I push the door and the wind blew so widly giving a sign of being free . The rain hit my skin.My umbrella was no use. I sat at the edge of the roof swinging my legs over.I look at the sky while thinking about eberything possibly.I want to just take a time machiene and go back.I went inside the building 25 minutes before school ends and walked to the bathroom to just dry up

**Note to self- never go on the roof when it's raining**

Sitting by the heater I heard someone came in and it was Nicole .After she washed her hands , she turns around and looks at me .

"Why did you skip class , that's so unlike you?",Nicole asks.

"I wasn't in the mood to go to class"I said.

"whatever "she says.

There was a long pause.

"So you and Brandon ?"I said jokingly.

"Don't worry about it"she said bitterly.

I looked away and was confused.When Nicole was about to leave I stopped her and she turns around.

"Umm..can I catch a ride with you guys?My sister took my car and it's raining.Please."I said.

"Why would I even do that.We are not friends so don't even try."she says.

"Come on just one favor.I tried apologizing to you but you denied it.You even have Brandon, Jenna and Lacey on your side.What do I have to do for you to forgive me?",I asked.

Nicole rolls her eyes and said"No you can't catch a ride and just don't talk to me".Nicole walks away without looking back.

After hearing what she said I felt like crying.Does she want me out of her life for good?She can't even give me ride evem in this pouring rain.

As I walk through the parking lot I could feel the rain darting into my skin.I stopped at the crosswalk.I see the car that I have always drove me home when my sister has the car.Nicole was in the passenger seat, Brandon driving , and Lacey and Jenna are in the back.Brandon looks at me while passing.My eyes were red from me crying.They knew I was crying and still passed.James lowered me to his level and made me end up like this but why was it such a big deal that they had to even do this to me.I crossed the road and was walking out of the parking lot until I turned around from hearing a honking behind me.

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