[Act I]: [The Awakening Of A Broken Child.]

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The dream I was in ended, and I awakened with no memory of it. That was my mothers voice. Scariest sound ever. I got up out of my covers, and sat at the edge of my bed, looking down at the ground. It was my first day at my new school. My previous school had some issues for some odd reason with the principal, so I guess we all had to transfer. There were some cool people there, and I'm really going to miss them.

I snapped out of this trance I was in, and got up and slowly walked to the bathroom. I let out a sigh as I opened the door, and turned the light on. I stared at myself in the mirror, and god, I was a MESS. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and picked out this mess that I call hair that's planted on the top of my head. I dragged myself back into my room.

"YOU BETTER HURRY UP, BOY!" My mom yelled at me from her room. "The bus comes in 10 minutes!"

I rolled my eyes, as I put on my favorite Nirvana T-Shirt and some black joggers I recently bought from H&M. I sat at the edge of my bed and put on my Vans as I stared at myself in the mirror in front of me. The reflection was a broken, and beaten down kid. I got my glasses off of my dresser and put them on after wiping them off.

I walked to my moms room. "Hey mom, I'm going now." I said to her quietly.

She got up out of her bed, and walked towards me, handing me $10.

"Have a great first day today, sweetie." She said to me, in a sleepy voice, before kissing me on the cheek.

"Thanks mom, I'll call you once I get out." I said, while grabbing my bookbag. I went downstairs and went out the door, making sure I quietly closed it behind me.

It was very humid, and foggy out, as I walked to the bus stop. I put on my headphones and played some music from my phone, while I had my head down, and my hands in my pockets. This should be a long day.

I hope the strangers like me. We'll find out in a few minutes I guess.

ACT 1 COMPLETED GUYS!! What'd you think so far? It's starting off slow but it'll pick up a lot by next chapter, and you'll really understand the character more.

Did you love it? Hate it? Let me know! Leave comments pleaaase I like reading them! Thank you for reading! Act II soon. -K.T

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