[ACT XXIV]: [How To Fake Your Happiness]

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[Trevor POV]

Eventually school started back up after a really crappy break. When I got back I saw everyone wearing there stupid new clothes they got for Christmas, flexing as if they bought it themselves, and everyone talking about how their stupid breaks went. Mine was just long, lonely, and annoying as usual. In reality, part of me was thrilled that I was back here. Even though everyone here is a bunch of assholes.

During lunch, two security guards and the assistant principal walked up to me, and motioned for me to get up and come with them. I got up and walked with them, confused. They didn't say a single word to me during the walk to the main office.

"Just wait here." One of the security guards said, before they all walked off. I sat in one of the chairs that was in the office. I waited for what seemed like forever until I seen a very tall guy in a suit walk in.

"Hello, is Trevor Surefire here?" he said. I felt my heart drop. Did I do something? Could it be about Matt?

"That's him right there." One of the ladies in the office said, while pointing at me. "Misbehaving, Mr. Surefire?"

"Oh no, he's fine." This unknown man said, coming to my defense. "Now you, please come with me, sir."

I was extremely confused, but I got up out of my chair, and walked with him. I had my head down as I followed his lead, with a lot of thoughts and questions flying around in my head. What could be going on? We eventually got to a room that I've noticed, but never went inside. He took out his key and unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"After you, sir." he said. I walked in, my head still hanging down. This office was very small, but was enough room for a small meeting. He sat at his desk, and moved some of his paper work away. "Take a seat." he said.

I sat down, and I asked him I was here.

"We'll run that down in a minute." he said. "Just so you know, you are NOT in trouble."

I sighed. "Thank god."

"My name is Mr. Davis, and I am this schools guidance counselor. I heard a lot about you, and I couldn't wait to finally meet you, Mr. Surefire."

"Oh," I said, clearing my throat. "Okay, uh, what did you hear?"

"From what I've heard and read, you are a victim of depression, which is normal for people around your age. But, your teachers and peers have felt that it's been on another level, to where, you may harm yourself in a way. Now, that my not be the case, but I would like to hear things from your point of view. I know this is weird, but you can speak to me about everything. It all stays in here, unless things get to a level where I need to speak to someone, you get me?"

I nodded. He looked up at me. "Use your voice, sir." he said. This guy was very intimidating.

"Yes, sir." I said, with a bit of an attitude in my voice.

"Good," I said. "Now, tell me, what's wrong?" Mr. Davis said, rolling his chair into the desk and then folding his hands.

I cleared my throat and began to speak. I felt myself shaking, and my palms were being to get sweaty. How can I let out all my feelings right here? Also, to be fair, I don't think I like this man very much, so far.

"Well, I've been feeling like I have no one to speak t-"

"Your parents, your teachers, and me." He interrupted. "Continue." Now the fucker has a smirk on his face.

"Uh. Okay then.." I said, brushing it off. "I also have an extremely low self esteem, I believe that it may have been caused by my mother, who can be very harsh sometimes."

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