[Act VIII]: [Absolute ZERØ]

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We finally arrive at Winter's house. It started freaking snowing. SNOWING. Of all days? We were freezing, so we just got on the bus.

Her house actually looks very, very nice. I'd love to live somewhere like here. "Yup. Here's my house guys. I bet you guys are freezing, would you like some hot chocolate?" She asked. We both said no thank you. Matthew of course, said it with an attitude, as he slowly loses his patience. She showed us around her house, and then walked us to her room. Matthew rolled his eyes at almost everything the girl said. What was his problem? He's been acting strange lately. Oh well, he'll be fine.

"Here is my room. I know, it's all pink and ugly." She said. I kind of like it. "I wish my mom would get me some posters in here."

"Yeah, cool, now what do you have us in here for?" Matthew said.

Alright, I'm getting annoyed with him. There is no reason for him to be acting like this, when we haven't done a single thing to him. If he didn't want to tag along, he could've went home.

"Bro, why have you been acting like this lately?" I said to him. "You've been acting like a jerk for the past few days for no reason." Winter just awkwardly sat on her bed, looking at her phone.

"Really?" Matthew said. He shook his head. "Nevermind." He turned around and left. You could hear the door slam downstairs. "I'm really sorry about that." I said.

"Don't worry about it..maybe we should talk to him." She said.  He's probably just doing this for attention, don't worry about him. Let's just, move on.

She looked a bit sad, then she just made room on her bed for me to sit. I sat down, watching her pull out a notebook out of her bag.

"So, what I said in the library. The whole idea, about the group I wanted to form? If Matt is still down, we can do it. I wanted it to be a concept where we all write about how depression is something that is serious but is really overlooked. Something like that. We all get a take on it, and spread the word around. I wanted to form a group so people who feel like us, doesn't feel alone. You get it?" She said. I nodded my head. This was very creative, why didn't I think of something like this?

"We both have voices we can use, powerful ones at that, and if we use it correctly, we could honestly change the world. I truly believe this. I may sound nuts right now, but watch. We could make a huge impact if we take our time with this. I just need a name for it. Any suggestions? I was thinking something, anything."

  I then had a flashback from September.

"I hope you think about it, you're really cool, bro." He said, as he left the classroom. Wow. No ones ever thought that towards me. I've always been called a weirdo. I looked down at my notebook, and wrote 1NV4D3R TR3VOR on it. I was a big Invader Zim fan, and it was my Xbox gamertag. I also feel like an invader. Like an alien."

"How about, Invaders?" I said.  She looked at me confused, which wasn't really a surprise. "What's that?" she asked.


"Well.." I said, looking down. "Growing up, I was a big fan of this show called Invader Zim."

I was cut off.

"Oh my god, I used to love that show!" She said. Now we're on the right track.

"Yeah. So, I just called myself Invader Trevor for a while, don't laugh. But, as I grew up, I stuck to that silly name because that's what I feel like. I feel like an invader, like I don't belong here. As if, if I wasn't here, nothing would really be different. Or, as I said in the library, the amount of stress I put on my mom would decrease. You get it?" I said. I sound like a complete moron.

"Wow! I love this idea! We should run with it" She said.

Someone actually for once appreciates an idea I have. Finally someone has accepted who I am and hasn't just said I'm another weirdo, or another nerd. I felt great. Plus the person who likes my idea is cute as hell! I'm on top of the world right now pretty much. I also do autograph signings at 6:30pm. You know, cause I'm famous and all. Alright, I'll stop now.

"Oh wow, I'm excited you liked it. I thought you would think I sound like an insane geek or something. Here, let me write it." I said. She gave me a Sharpie, and on the notebook where the name goes, I wrote "1NV4D3R$." in big letters. I handed her back the notebook. "It's stylized like that because it just looks cool to me." I said. She laughed a little, shaking her head. She put the notebook in her bag.

"Alright, I guess we can tell Matthew about it next week." I said. Then, she just got up, ran at me and hugged me. I'm confused, but I won't complain about this.

"Thanks for coming over! I've tried this with so many people and they just turned me down. Thank you so much." She said.

Was she crying?

She let go of me, wiping her face. Damn. I guess I should feel good about this, but something feels weird. I still feel as if I didn't really get enough of who she is. I still need to figure out this dark background, because it seems like this girl has been through a lot. I'm close, but yet so far from solving this mystery.


There's Chapter 8! It's kind of a filler, but not really? I don't know. At least the weird title is explained.

What do you think will happen with Trevor & Winter now?

What do you think is going on with Matthew?

Do you think their idea will work?

Do you like what I did with the 1NV4D3R$ concept?

Let me know by commenting!

Thank you for reading, and I'll catch you guys in Act 9. -K.T☺️😚


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