[Act XI]: [The Eclipse: Trevor & His Guilt]

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[P.S I just thought the picture I used was cool so yeah 😁 It kinda fits but not really?]
[Previously. .]

"It's unfortunate, that I have to inform you guys that it has been announced that Mr. Baker has cancer." He said.

At that moment, the world stopped spinning, and it shattered right there.

Did I just hear that correctly? Cancer? Matthew has cancer? No. They're lying. This can't be happening. Matthew is most likely dead already. He probably committed suicide because I'm such a fucking prick.

The classroom was filled with gasps and mumbling at that moment, and once Mr. James began to speak, the room was silenced. But, I heard what sounded like quiet sobbing. I looked, and saw Winter, with tears rolling down her face, as she covered her mouth. She looked at if she was thrown into some dark world she couldn't speak, or get out of.

Never in my life, have I ever experienced such feeling of guilt.

"Shit. God, not Matthew. Not Matthew. Please, not Matthew. " I began saying to myself, holding my head. A few classmates looked at me. "SHIT."

"I know how you're feeling Trevor, but all we have to do is pray." Mr. James began to say. "I know you're worried about your friend, but we all just have to believe that he'll be okay."

I couldn't stop shaking and crying, as I the sound of Winter's sobbing began to get louder, as well as the voices in the classroom. I felt like there were little voices in my head speaking to me. It's as if everything's turned on me.

"Im going crazy, I..I can't take this." I whispered to myself.

I jumped up out and my seat, and ran out of the classroom.

I heard Mr. James calling me. I just kept running, and running as my thoughts were twisting and turning around in my head. This better be a bad dream or a cruel joke. I ran to the bathroom and into the nearest stall. Next thing I knew, I was here, in a dark, disgusting middle school bathroom. Vomiting and crying. There's no doubt in my mind that this is real life now. The pain is there. The guilt is there.

Once I was done puking all of the terror out of me, I sat on the floor, with my back against the door. I hope no one hears me bawling in here. There's only one thought flying around in my mind at this very moment.

I killed Matthew.
I killed Matthew.
I killed Matthew.
[Winter's POV]

We were all dismissed, and I was overwhelmed with this unidentified emotion. It's just a mix of fear, shock, anger, sadness, and confusion. I waited outside, while asking if anyone's seen Trevor as they left the building. No ones seen him. I began to go into a panic as I ran to the school entrance. I pushed past a few people who were leaving, and ran into the security guard.

"No ones allowed back in the building." She said. Ugh, she looks like she has a nasty attitude. I really need to make sure he's okay.

"My friends up there, and I've been looking for him for 15 minutes now!" I said. "Please, please let me go upstairs to find him, I'm worried."

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