[Act III]: [Loners & Stoners]

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"So, let's discuss something." Mr. James said to me, as he looks into my soul. I can't stop shaking, and I'm on the verge on tears. Why is this happening?

"First off, what is your name, son?" He asked.

"Oh, I uh, my name is Trevor Surefire, sir." I said, stuttering.

"Relax." He said, chuckling. "You're fine, I promise. I am a very laid back principal don't worry, I understand you're new here, and I'm sure you are nervous, I can quite tell. Being the new kid always sucks. Trust me, I understand this. I'm not one of those old people who say that, no, I've actually experienced these things."

I felt a lot more comfortable, now. I  continued to listen. "So don't worry about a thing, you'll be fine." He said with a smile. "Thank you, Mr. James." I said.

"No problem, Mr. Surefire." He said, holding his hand out.

"Wait, how do you know my-"

"I'm the principal." He interrupted.

I shook his hand, and picked up my bookbag. "Let's take you to your class. Also, don't worry about Mr. Stevens. I've gotten so many complaints he may be fired next year. Don't sweat it." He said, patting me on the back.

Wow. This actually may not be so bad. But, I doubt it.
So I arrived at my classroom, and walked inside. A blonde teacher walked up to me smiling, and shook my hand. "Hi there, my name is Mrs. Murphy. Very happy you could make it, please sit anywhere you would like." She said in a low voice while the class stared at me. Why would she say sit anywhere when there's only one seat available in the back? I walked to the back with my head down, and took my seat next to another curly haired kid. This guys hair is about to come to life.

"Anyways, class, this week we may not really be doing much work in my class we'll just be setting up.." Mrs. Murphy said. I tuned her out for a second to take my supplies out of my bag. I look next to me to see Curly Boy staring at me.

"What?" I said.
"Oh nothing, I just like your shirt." He said. I then realized I had on a Nirvana shirt. "Oh, I am sorry, its been a long morning. Thank you!" I said panicking. He nodded and brought his attention back to the front of the room.

Great. Now I feel like an asshole. I thought to myself.

"For now, since there is only a few minutes left of class, just talk to your shoulder partners. Learn something about each other. It's gonna be a long year so you better make some friends now, cause I'm not allowing it while I teach. Go." Mrs. Murphy said. She took her coffee and walked to her desk, as the class began talking. Then, before I had a second to register what was even happening, the Curly Fry guy turned to me and started a conversation. "What's your favorite Nirvana song?" he asked.

"Whoa whoa whoa," I said. "Who even are you?"

"My name is Matthew. You can obviously call me Matt. I like music, video games, skating, you know." He said.

"Oh really? Me too!" I said. Now we may actually be getting somewhere.

"Yeah. You wanna come over later today and see my collection?" he asked.

Okay, so, he's a really nice guy, but he's kind of....weird. Not even the cool kind of weird. He's a creep. I didn't want to get skinned or something. "Ah, I gotta run to my mom's house. I gotta help her with some stuff." I said. I'm such a liar.

He laughed, and said "Oh, curfew. I understand." That kind of annoyed me. "I don't have a damn curfew! I'm just gonna be busy okay?" I said. This girl in front of me turned at us for a second, and turned back around.

I whispered to Matt, "She's cute, who's that?".  His face got serious. "Dude, that's like, my girlfriend."

Oh, oh my god, I'm sorry bro I didn't know.

Then the girl turned around and said "I'm not your boyfriend you weirdo. Don't believe him." She said, loudly. I laughed because I didn't know what else to do. But on the inside, I was like "Oh my god she talked to me."

Matthew was just laughing. He got closer to me, and I didn't know what to do. "Bro, you uh, you smoke weed?" he asked me out of nowhere, whispering. "No, not really." I said. I should've said yes!

"Hmm.. okay my bad." He said. Mrs. Murphy at that moment, came towards us holding a stack of notebooks and handed one to both of us. "This is going to be your journal. Show me some good writing." She said.

"Ugh, you're giving us diaries? I'm not gay or something." Matthew said. My eyes shot open. You can't say that!! I said in my head. Mrs. Murphy took her clipboard and hit Matt over the head with it. I snickered.
"Matthew, stop being ignorant. You're actually really smart, but since you wanted to drug yourself up all the time, you're with me again. You must really like me." She said.

That's it?! My old school would've cut my head off!

"We should hang out one of these days man." Matthew said to me, rubbing his head. "Ehh, I'll think about it. I'm kind of a loner, but I don't know. I'm a really boring person." I said.

The bell rung, frightening me a bit. Everyone gathered their things and left the classroom.
"I hope you think about it, you're really cool, bro." He said, as he left the classroom. Wow. No ones ever thought that towards me. I've always been called a weirdo. I looked down at my notebook, and wrote 1NV4D3R TR3VOR on it. I was a big Invader Zim fan, and it was my Xbox gamertag. I also feel like an invader. Like an alien.

I feel so out of place, I just don't belong here. But, let's see where the future takes us.


ACT III COMPLETE GUYS! :) This is the longest chapter I've done so far, and I made sure I brought in a new character you guys may actually like. Trevor is having a very chaotic first day of school huh?

Anyways, did you enjoy Act III? Are you enjoying the story? It gets even better. Stay tuned for more!

Thank you for reading! 😁😚 Act IV takes place afterschool. -K.T

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