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"We're back!" I shout, once I walk into the house with Calum following in after me. I toss my car keys on the nearby table and slip off my shoes.

I hop on the kitchen island and take a sip from my Cane's cup, which Calum and I ended up picking to eat.

"You better be careful with that leg of yours." Cal warns as he took a seat on one of the stools and I playfully give him the side eye.

"What did the doctor say?" Jacob walks in with his hair pointing in different directions.

"He kept mixing the news up with bad and good news." I shrug as he brings a bowl out from the cabinet and pours cereal into it. My cousin then asks if I was able to go on tour after he glances at my leg brace. While I ponder on what to say, he opens the fridge to retrieve the gallon of milk.

"Why? You don't want me here?" I joke and Jacob laughs pouring the milk carefully, but it ends up to splash onto the counter. He leaves the gallon on the counter, while he gets a spoon.

"I'm not going to lie about enjoying it." Jacob shrugs and he scoops a spoonful of cereal into his mouth with a little bit of milk dripping on his chin.

I chuckle and shake my head in disapproval.

I bounce down off the island counter to get a cup from the dishwasher full of clean dishes. It was Madi's turn to do the dishes and I couldn't be more happy that she actually did it.

"Are the others upstairs?" Calum asks Jacob, who chews quickly to answer.

"I didn't check." Jacob answers and Cal nods brushing his hair out of his face. Calum hops off the stool and makes his way to the stairs after mentioning where he'll be to me.

I couldn't help but laugh at the weirdness of boy conversations. It's like they just have to look at one another to communicate.

"Did you just wake up?" I ask Jacob, who looks at me like I already know the answer. When he realizes that I'm not going to guess, he goes ahead and tells me.

"Yeah, I slept late last night because I took Julie home." He sips the leftover milk left in his bowl. I smile at the thought of them two. They truly were an ideal couple as I know that my cousin will do anything for his girl.

"How far does Julie live, again?" I felt a little ashamed for not remembering, but his gaze is soft and assuring.

"She lives on the other side of the ice cream shop that's a few miles away from here." He said and puts his bowl and spoon in the sink.

Jacob leans forward on the island and yawns, while taking off his green and black-rimmed glasses to rub at his eyes. I smile at the memory of him always forgetting his glasses at my house when we were younger. He had to gey new ones every time. But now that we live in the same house, he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Wow, that is pretty far." My eyebrows raise as I realize how far the drive is from her house to ours.

"Her parents are really nice and give me some gas money, so I don't mind." His lips spread into a smile as I laugh. And here I thought he did it from the kindness in his heart.

I pour milk into my cup that I got from the dishwasher, and take a short sip before I wipe the puddle that Jacob left on the counter.

"I always got to clean up your messes." I mutter while I toss the ball of paper napkin in the trash can.

"I've gotten better." Jacob retorts, looking up from his phone, when he hears me. I hum in return, choosing not to believe him, and he rolls his eyes. I eye the milk still on his face that he hasn't yet to wipe it off.

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