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The cold air surrounded me so quickly as i ran out of the door. I ran when i saw him running towards me, and angry drunken look on his face. i had been caught. What would i do?

i turned around and ran in the opposite direction of which i was running. i was slow, usually i'm fast, but it was like i was in quick sand. All of a sudden he was faster...he caught up to me, and rose his hand, about to slap me i know he was, i winced knowing the pain that would come. i shut my eyes tight so i wouldn't witness it, because it hurt more when i saw it.

My eyes fluttered open as i realized this was just a dream. I checked my phone, it was 4:53 Am. Damn it, whenever i have a dream that has to do with me running away, i can never go back to sleep. i sighed, geting out of my covers. i got dressed into jeans and a sweatshirt. i got my converse on and i grabbed my ipod.

i quietly left my house so that no one could hear me. the street was empty, except for those people who wake up supper early to go running. One lady gave me a confused look. Probably because what teenager, walks around alone at 5:00 in the morning?

i didn't know where to go, i never do. that's when i thougth about my dream. i always have dreams about the day i finally run away. They usually make me afraid to do it, so i hold back.

i saw a group of kids that went to my high school last year. I remember they thought they were so cool, but really high school didn't define who you were, because you usually don't even see those people ever again. unless you go to one of those reunion things.

i sat on a bench on the sidewalk.

I must of fallin asleep becasue i woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. "Hello?" i answered.

"Get your ass over here if you want to live, mum will be awake any minute, hurry!" my sister whisper-yelled into the phone.

"Ok, be there soon." i said, hanging up. i quickly ran home, hoping my mum wouldn't be awake.

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