Chapter 34 (Jess and Macy)

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Jess pov

Yesterday Was a pretty chill day, aside from the part where i couldn't take my pills. Ughhh i felt like an idiot afterwords. I didn't even bother asking what i said or did, i knew it would be too embarassing. i feel bad for harry and zayn, putting up with me while i was like that. Honestly i hate it when people see me like that.

Today the boys have another concert, and we are going out today before the concert, to the pier to go on rides and stuff.

I wore Turqouise converse, black jean shorts, a 5 SOS tank top (5 secconds of summer, a band), And my ray ban, aviators. i put my hair up in a pony tail.


When we got to the Pier, we got wrist bands, so we could go on rides. Harry is kind of a scaredy cat for rides, but he said he will go on a few just for me, cuz i love them!

"El! Let's go to the tea cups!!" Louis exclaimed. the couple ran away to the tea cups. "Nialler, i bet you i can beat you in The water game." Zayn said. Niall laughed, "Prepare to fail." He said.

Now it was just Liam, Harry and i. "ok, LiLi, what ride should we catch?" I asked. "Oh shit." he said. I turned around to look in the direction of where he was, and there, walking towards us was taylor swift.

Ewww, i hate her music, it's like can you please shut the fuck up? Plus she dated harry....akward? YES!!!

"Harry!!" She exclaimed, running over. "Hi taylor." He said akwardly. "Hey liam, oh who is this?" She asked, looking at me.

"This is our friend Jess." Liam said. i nodded, "Hi." i said. She smiled at me, then harry. "Harry i haven't seen you in like forever! We should soo hang out!!!" She said. He smiled, "uh, sure, we were about to go on a ride if you-" She cut him off.

"OF COURSE!!" LET'S GOOO!!!" She said. I just smiled, as we walked. Whilst we were walking, harry took my hand, looking at me reasureing me. I guess he knows i'm a bit inseccure...and i can be a jealous bitch if i want to..but i don't think it's worth it.

i sat next to harry, and Taylor sat with Liam. Liam mouthed the words 'help me' And i laughed. He told me he absouloutly hates taylor. Harry squeesed my hand as we started going up. "You'll be fine baby." i said, kissing his cheak, so that taylor could see. It was also for harry to calm down, but it's a double win situation.

When we went down the first hill, I screamed of excitement, whilist Harry screamed in horror. He wrapped his arm around me tightly and hugged me to his cheast. He was breathing heavily against me, and i couldnt help but giggle.

When we got off, Liam and Harry walked ahead, leaving Taylor and me behind. "So jess, i saw that kiss you gave harry, and how he hugged you, are you guys together?" She asked. I shook my head no and she smiled.

"Well he is obviously not over me, and you dont have a chance, so BACK OFF." She said sturnly.

"Excuse me? who told you that you could tell ME what to do? NO ONE! So why dont you get over yourself and shut the hell up?" I said. She smirked. "You are funny, but honey i can, and WILL get harry, you wait and see." She said.

"Sorry babe, but you will be so embarrased when you look like a fool." I said. She smiled, "Bring it!" She said. "OH it is soo on." I said. We both walked over to Liam and harry like nothing had happened.

"Harry where to next?" She asked, practicly drooling on him, "Uhh, i don't know." he said.

"How about the ferris wheel or somthing, cuz i know you dont like roller coasters." I said. He nodded, "Ok." He said.

The Ferris wheel sat two people per seat. "Want to go on with me?" Harry asked, i nodded and smiled. IN YOUR FACE TAYLOR!!

Her face was burning up, but she smiled over at liam, knowing she would have to go on with him.

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