Chapter 40 (Unknown and Maria)

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Unknown pov (btw same unknown person)

The cool air crept onto my skin as i got off of the plane. The airport was very air condtioned. i felt a bit dizzy, i guess i had too many drinks on the plane.

I heard both of them are together, here, and now they are both going to pay. I hope their pussy boyfriends are here so i can beat the crap out of them.

This is mostly their fault, i fhtey hadnt taken them in, then they would have come back, and i couldve had her.

The little one is pretty, but her mum wouldnt let me put a hand on her, cuz that was her job. i hit her hard several times, but i never actually got what i wanted with her, but i know i would never have a better time then what i have with that bitch.

Right when i get my hands on her, she will never be seen to anyone ever again. she will be mine forever.

i guess i should thank the little girl, she pointed me directly to her and her sister. An office called the house, she's suicidle.

I find that funny.

You know what? She should be happy we didnt kick her out of kill her like other people would have. But it's fine by me if she wants to kill herself, cuz then her sister will be broken, and i cane brake her even more.


I guess i pased out in the taxi cuz the guy had to wake me up.

i'm here.

I walked into the building, going to the lady at the front desk. "I'm here to see my daughter." i said. She smiled, "Alright, her name?" she asked.

Damn it. i never knew her name, her mum called her bitch, slut, stupid, hoe, whore......never by her name. i dont even need to know her name.

How do i do this then?

"actually, i'm at the wrong place." i left after saying that, waiting outside, till she left to go to the bathroom. She obviously has a strong blader cuz it took her an hour.

I walked in, going to the seccond floor, i looked around, she wasnt there. This would take forever. i groaned, till i saw a guy, he was on his phone laughing loudly.

"I'll go up to your room babe, what room is it again? Oh yeah i forgot it was 507. See you soon, but i need to call my mum ill be there in ten." he said. i smiled, i guess i could do some damage before finding bitch 1.

i went up to the fifth floor, then walked till i saw 507 on plaque. i opened the door. A girl turned around, and i shut the door behind me. Clapsing my hand on her mouth.

"SHHH." i said. I then realized  i had bitch one in my arms. I chuckled lowly. "Hi love, miss mee? i heard you have a boyfriend....he was sweet. Too are to young to have a boyfriend." i said.

She bit my hand and ran to the side of her room, grabbing a chair to defend her. i laughed at her stupid attempt. i could see the worry in her eyes.

"Just tell me where your sister is." i said. She shook her head no. I smiled and krept closer to her. she threw the chair at me, i swear i almost died, but i wasnt going to let the pain show.

"Awww, babe, too bad you didnt hurt me." i said. i cupped her cheek with my hand, a tear slid down her face, i leaned close to her. "i wont hurt you, cuz your a worthless, ugly, fucking bitch, thats a whore, and that no one loves, that guy just wanted to bang you and be done." i said.

i got out my pocket knife, and swiched it open. i ran the blade across her face on the dull side, then droped it to the floor. "Not worth my breath." i said. i grabbed her ipod and left.

i'm smart, you see. I knew that raping her wouldnt hurt her that bad as what i just did. she has a blade, she will cut, maybe even kill herself.

her ipod, leads to her sister. i texted Macy.

To macy:

i was let out for an hour!!!! yey!! come meet me at starbucks down the street from the mental hospital!

i got a reply almost immediatly.

From macy:


i laughed, waiting there. i waited for a half hour, until a huge bunch of cop cars came.

i was surrounded, unable to run. And standing before me was bitch two.

The poilice came at me pounding me to the ground, hand cuffing me. "You are underarrest for rape, physical abuse, mental abuse, stealing, driving under the influence and more." one cop said.

I sighed, knowing this day would come. "How did you know?" i asked macyy as i passed her. "Its called i was bringing coffee to my sister and saw you, have a bad life." she said, as i was shoved into the cop car.

i smiled, as we drove away.....they are both least i acomplished somthing.

Maria pov

My heart was pounding, i was surrounded by blood, the knife next to me. i was crying, i had cuts on my stomach, on my upper thighs and on my feet.

i'm hopless.

Jake walked in, and saw me. his eyes widened. he ran over to me and crushed the knife with his foot, stomping on it. He put the pieces in a bag, and tied it. Then he walked back over to me.

"Why?" he asked.

"H-he came, and ........." i couldnt talk....i cried, like a baby who farted or pooped or needed to eat.

He held me and took my wrist, the butterfly was there, along with NO cutts. "At least this is working a little bit." he whispered.

he took off his shirt and soaked up the blood. "Hop in the shower and clean yourself up, then we can talk." he said. i nodded and got up. He was so supportive, he was all i needed right now. i regreted cutting...why did i let him get to me?

Xx this chapter was really intense and kind of scary (i think) cuz honestly, who the fuck would act like that? That guy is crazy. i was gunna make somthing happen to macy but i thought it was too much bad stuff, so i didnt. love you all!!xX-leslogr

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