Chapter 44

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Leah pov

It was nice seeing the familiar faces again, and to see jess be so happy with harry. Aria hasn't shut up about being able to see the two again. Jess completely ignored me at the greeting though, only giving me a hug. I probably would have done the same though, you know if i had my best friend there and needed to give her the details of my relationship durring a trip.

That's exactly what she was doing with Macy. So i made talk with zayn. We were talking about tattoo's since i have a huge interest in them, I love guys with tattoos, unless they are meaningless, screwed up, ugly tattoos or somthing. It's not that i'm into zayn, that's weird he is probably a million years younger than me, but i could use company plue i didn't want to seem like a loser not talking to anyone.

"What is that one?" I asked, pointing to the one that said ZAP! he sighed. "It uh, stood for Zayn and Perrie, my ex. I'm still thinking whether or not to remove it or not. Any opinions on it?" He said. I shrugged,"Do you think you would ever get back with her? I mean, the removing process hurts really badly and i don't think its worth it if you think you even have the slightest chance with her, to remove it. It's really up to you thoug zayn." I said honestly.

He nodded.

"Babe did you miss me?!" i heard someone yell. i turned around, as did everyone else in our group of people.

"Oh my god no, this is not happening." I heard Liam mutter. Zayn face palmed his forehead. "What? Zayn who is that?" I asked.

"Harry's ex girlfriend. Caroline." Zayn said, quietly. i turned around to see harry , his face shocked. Aria looked at him with eyes of confusion, knowing that Jess is the only one that calls him babe.

She came over , and hugged harry, crushing him, and my child. I started to walk towards them, but zayn held me back, shaking my head not to get involved.

"Harry i haven't seen you in the longest time! Who is this?" She asked. Refering to my daughter. "My Girlfriend's Niece." He said, making sure the word girlfriend was louder than the other words. She looked at him, a bit taken back. But she whisppered somthing in his ear.

she pulled her head back from his ear, and smiled, "Well, i have to get home, but call me harry, we need to catch up." She said. She left, strutting away in her steleto heels.

This left jess, pissed, you could tell from her facial expression, she was pissed, suprised, and maybe even a little sad, or somthing. I don't know, but she really had mixed emotions.

Harry stood there, as if still trying to comprehend what had just occured. Zayn looked at me. "They were serious or somthing right?" I asked. He nodded, "yeah, alot of stuff happened between them, it's weird seeing her again, for me, for him too probably, i can only imagine how he feels right now." He said.

I looked at harry and he was standing in shock. But soon we continued to walk to the cars.


Aria, jess, Harry, Zayn, and Liam were in my car, Louis, Elenour, and Niall were with Macy. Zayn sat beside me, whilist Aria and Liam were in the middle row, and harry and Jess were in the back.

I looked back at them from the mirror above my head. Jess was discussing somthing with harry, she seemed really upset, but he was reasurring her, holding her, kissing her. I'm glad jess found him, they are really good together. Harry makes her so happy, and Aria loves him. Plus he's a funny, great guy.

Liam was playing with Aria in the back and i heard him mutter somthing about how he wishes she would never grow up.

Zayn was texting somebody. i don't know who, but it was somebody. We were headed to the Train station, to drop zayn off, and then we would go to the lads' house. I've been keeping tabs on the place, cleaning once in a while, making sure the spoiled food was thrown away, stuff like that. So the house should be desent.

When we got to the train station Zayn got out of the car, whilist i helped him get his bags fromt the back. "Bye zayn, have fun, and make your descision, and if you end up wanting to get it removed, i know people." i said. he laughed, and gave me a goodbye hug, whilist waving to everyone else, and blowing aria a kiss. I sware she blushed.

We then drove away, to the opposite direction of the way we came, to get to the boys' house.

"Mummy, when we get home, is jess gona weave again?" She asked. I shook my head no," Nope jess i going to stay, unless her end harry have plans." I said. She pouted and crossed her arms. My daughter is such a little drama queen, wanting jess for herself.

"It's ok aria, wanna spend time with me tonight?" Liam asked. She smiled and nodded, Liam winked, and she started going crazy. She was completely fangirling.

I laughed at her reaction and kept driving. Everyone was telling stories about tour, funny ones, and some kind of weird ones. It's weird thinking about how life would be like if a bunch of girls were screaming, throwing themselves at you. I honestly wouldn't be able to deal, and would end up killing everyone.

I don't know how these boys do it.

Jess quit her job, and summer is almost over, but i'm making her get a part time job, because i don't have that much money to pay for her school. She gets scholar ships, but i still have to pay, and we need money for gas and stuff.

I pulled into the driveway, the other car wasn't here, which was weird. Maybe they went to get somthing to eat.

I helped everyone with the bags, and getting them inside. Liam thanked me for cleaning the house and stuff, and i said it was no problem, i mean i need to get away from stuff somtimes, things have been super hard lately. This guy from work, he asked me out, i turned him down though, i don't think i'm ready for dating, and i'm not sure to how aria will really deal with it.

We all just lounged around the living room. Everyone was super tired. Liam was telling a story of one of the concerts.

"Jess you weren't with us yet, but someone, threw their bra on stage, and it had writing on it, louis read it and passed it to niall, and he read it and laughed, cuz it said 'niall, please sleep with this every night!" He said.

Harry left the room, to go take a phone call, but liam kept telling us the story. it was pretty funny, Niall put it on, and pranced around the stage.

Harry came back in with a pained face.

"Babe, what is it?" Jess asked.

"They've been in an accident. A truck hit their, car, it waas a drunk driver, we have to get to the hospital." harry said.

"Is everyone ok? How bad was it?" Jess asked.

Harry's face got pale, uh oh, this is bad. My heart suddenly sunk to my stomach. "I'll drive." I said. We nodded, and headed to the car.




Xx this is officially the end of The Runaway, thanks guys for reading, i'll make a sequel, i dont know what it will be called yet, and i'm really excited for it, it's a whole different plot, but it has to do with everything that just happened.

It wont be as long as this book. I'll probably post it within the next few days, Thanks again for reading. i really love you guys.

I'll update a sneek peak of the next book, on my tumblr, It's Leslogr.

You guys have been so great with this book and pacient, because i did have a huge time of writers block!

Love you! Thanks for sticking with me till the end!xX

-Leslogr <3 <3 :)

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