Chapter 3 (Macy)

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Macy pov

Today is saterday, so i don't have any classes. The boys were gone, but they said it would only be till 6 becasue it is saterday. i sighed, getting off of the couch where they had left me. i decided i should do them the favor of cleaning, because their house is a bit of a mess.

i found the suply closet which was filled with cleaning suplies, but none of them had been opened our used. i laughed to myself. suddenly i rembered yesterday


"Brat are you in?!?" My mum asked, knocking on the door. i sighed, "Yes, what is it?" i asked. she snorted,"You should be cleaning the house, your father made it a mess, and i bet you he wont clean it so you do it! when i get back, well if i come back tonight it better be cleaned or you'll be beat, probably by your dad aswell as me." She laughed evilly and i waited untill i heard her leave the house.

i grabbed my school stuff, all of it. i shoved my music notebook and folder in too. i also took a few important things too, things that meant somthing to me. Then i added clothes, which didn't really fit into the stuffed backpack. all i took was underwear, i mean that's what i needed most right? i could find some clothes at the donation center, it was so easy to steal from.

mum texted me,

i'll be there at 8:30 i think, to get ready for my friends party tonight, i'm bringing some people so it better be cleaned!

i sighed, too bad for her. i wrote a note to the ungrateful people in my house. My younger sister Maria Already left. i mean, this morning she told me she was leaving, that i should try as hard to leave today. so i am, she's staying at a friends, i don't know whose.

i checked the time as i got out of the house, the cold air hit me, and damn it was freezing. shivers went down my spine, but i ignored them. it was 8:00 about a half hour till she's pissed. i decided to take a bus into town.


my phone buzzed, taking me back to reality from my memory. i looked at it, it was niall.

Leppy: Hey, we'll be back at 7:00 because we want to get somthing to eat after, but i wanted to invite you to it.

i smiled, niall and i had talked alot this morning. I told him about Maria and other things, like school, my passions, my likes, my dislikes. He is really easy to talk to.

me: Ok sure! how sweet of lil' leppy asking me to join :p lol tell liam good job for at least buying the cleaning stuff, but it could've had more effort cuz none of them have been used :)

i put my phone down and grabbed the two laundry baskets. i put one down, walking around the house looking fro stray pieces of clothing, i only found a scrarf, a sweatshirt, and boxers. then i went into one of the boys rooms. where i found a few t shirts, some boxers, and some trousers. the room had blue walls, a light blue, with white furniture, it was pretty organized, except for food scraps and pizza boxes. There were two guitars in the corner. i was so tempted to play one, considering my dream guitar was there. but, i decided not to.

then i went to harry's roomto get clothes, then anothers. when i had enough clothes for one load, i put it in the washer machiene.

i looked back at my phone

leppy: Well it was my idea to eat, but then harry was like WE SHOULD TAKE MACY!! i mean i would've said it, but he beat me to it. And liam blushed at your words and said at least i tried. haha, must go we are at the studio, RAWR , louis wanted me to say that. bye!!

me: tell louis i say RAWR too.

i got a few trash bags and went up to the pizza box room.

a few hours later i was finished with almost the whole house, i didn't go to the basement, because i was already so tired, plus i didn't even know if i was alowed. i got bored, so i went back up to the pizza box room, and decided to play the guitar.

i was fooling around, playing some songs. but then i started about people. and i remebered the song Maria always asked me to play. it was kindo of like her lulliby, when she was sad and crying, i would play it and she would calm down. i learned it just for her, though i forget what it is called. it was one of here favorites.

i started to play it, then decided to sing along

Shut the door, turn the light off,

i wanna be with you, i wanna feel your love,

i wanna lay beside you,

i can not hide this, even though i try....

heart beats harder, time escapes me,

trembleing hands, touch skin,

it makes this, harder

and the tears stream down my face,

if we could only have this life for one more day,

if we could turn back time....

"Damn you're a good singer!" Niall exclaimed, standing in the doorway. he scared me and i stoped singing. my heart started pounding. i always got nervous when someone heard me play. someone that i knew anyways....

"no i'm not, sorry for introuding like this, in your room an-" he cut me off. "Don't apoligize, i mean you cleaned it up, and i probably would've done the same, trust me. Do you know the name of that song, or who sings it?" he asked. i shook my head no.

"Maria, told me to learn it. it was like her song i would play to her when she cried, she would calm down, and i would talk to her and we would be fine. it's one of her favorites." i explained. he nodded, then smiled widley.

"It's called Moments, by One Direction." He said. i gave him a weird look, he sings this song. i mean, is'nt that weird that i thought i had never heard them before.

"Well, what do you know??" zayn said walking in on us. "NIALL IS FLURTING WITH MACY IN HIS ROOM!!!" He yelled. he wasn't flirting, he just found me in his room, playing his guitar and simply started to talk to me.

all of the boys rushed to the room. all laughing, i felt myself blush and i looked at niall. he had a slight blush too, eh looked at me and our eyes locked.

it was weird, yet it gave me a certain warmth. i never realized how beautiful they were. i quickly broke out of the trance and looked at the boys who were making jokes. everyone but hary.......... he seemed quite jealous, angry and maybe upset. but why?

"Ok guys danielle and elenour are going to meet us at the place, so let's get moving."Liam said. we all nodded. i put niall's gutair back, and started talking to louis who was telling me about elenour and danielle.

Xx this chapter sucks, ik but it gets good in the next chapter. :)xX-leslogr

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