Chapter 33 (Harry and Liam)

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Harrys pov

Niall is now at the airport, with Macy. He explained everything before they left, and honestly i'm not shocked. i saw her slip from time to time, i just didn't think it was soo serious. i feel stupid now. Zayn knew about maria and was trying to help her get through it. She didn't want Macy to know, and zayn feels awful for not saying anything...but he was only gaining her trust and respecting her decisions.

Jess was now sitting beside me, talking to zayn about her plans for school next year. I'm really proud of her. She's succeeding in so much, she won some award for her art, and i know one day she will get her own gallary, i just know it. she is so talented.

She started laughing really hard all of a sudden, and put her hand on zayn's shoulder. "Babe you are soooo funny, i love it." she said, winking. Zayn smiled and took her hand off of him, "Jess did you take your pill this morning?" He asked. She thought for a seccond. "OH YEAHHH!!! I forgot!!!! THANKS BOO!!!" She said. she got up and walked to the door, probably to go to our room.

"I'm going to make sure she gets there alright." i said, standing up. Zayn nodded, and i left.

i followed jess to our room. She turned around. "Hola, harry." She purred, she kissed my neck, and i pushed her a way a bit, she frowned, "What's wrong?" She asked. I smiled, "You need to take your pill first." i said. She nodded, and walked to the bathroom.

She came back out, with her Pill case, with the days of the week. "Babe, Where are my pills?" she asked. i got up and looked at it. They were gone. "Hmmm maybe you forgot to fill it." i said. i went to my cabnet, where i kept her pills just in case. She told me i had to hide them, because when she doesnt take it she hates them and wants to get rid ot them.

the perscribtion bottle was empty. "Did you take out your pills?" i asked. she shook her head no. i believed her...even though she had told me stuff about this.

i took her hand and took her back to zayn's room. "Zayn, have you seen jess' pills?" i asked. he shook his head no.

She gasped all of a sudded, "Babe what is it?" i asked. She face palmed herself. " So i like, got two bottles of pills right? before you all left...cuz my doctor was like guna go on vactaion too, and i would run out by the time i had too leave. So i put one in my bathroom, and the other in my room, and you know how Maria was suicidle? She asked about them before she left...she probably emtied my extra bottle...cuz like i didn't check it, i just shoved it in my bag." she said.

Wow, Maria took Jess' pills, that she knew Jess needed, to kill herself.

"So what do we do now?" Zayn asked. i shrugged, and looked at jess. "Well, i have my perscribtion, would i be able to go to a pharmacy here or somthing?" Jess asked. I shook my head, "It doesn't work like that, it happened last tour, to Dani, because she had to take medicine for her leg pain." I said.

"Here, i'll call, paul and see what we can do." Zayn said. "ARE YOU SAYING I'M NOT OK WHEN I'M LIKE THIS!!! YOU HATE ME DONT YOU!!!! UGHH FUCK YOU ZAYN!." Jess said, standing up.

"Babe, wait, please you don;t mean that, we are only trying to help you..alright?" i took her wrists in my hands, and looked into her eyes.

She nodded slowly, and a tear ran down her face. i embrassed her in a tight hug. Zayn called Paul whilist i comferted jess.

i stoked Jess' hair and we were silent. Zayn hung up the phone, "We are going to drive over to This store, Paul had jess' doctor call and everything, it will be figured out." He said.

Jess smiled, "Zayn, you are sooooo hottt." she said, bitting her lower lip. That hurt, really bad. but it's not her it? no it's not.

"Honey, you don't think that, you are with harry remember. She smiled and nodded, i love you." She said to me. I smiled, and held her hand as we walked outside.

Liam pov

El, Louis, and i are preparing for a video chat we are about to have with danielle, i wanted louis and el here for support, they were the closest to her.

"Li, are you sure you are ready?" El asked, i nodded and she sighed. She thinks it's too soon, but i think now is the time.

"El, is she still with that guy?" I asked. I've been avoiding it, but i need to know. "Honestly liam, i don't know. After you left the hotel room, i slapped her and left......i havent talked to her since." She said. I nodded.

To be completely honest, i still love dani. I mean my feelings arent just about to go away....i love her. it's just that she broke me and i can never trust her again.

"Liam, do you know what you are going to say." Louis asked. i nodded. The plan was, they would be in the room but not in the screen, and i would talk to Dani, they would help me if i got choked up or somthing.

Dani's name flashed across my computer screen. I shooed off Lou and El from my bed, and answered her call.

i was nervous and anxious as i could see the loading sign.

Soon her face apeared, i could tell she was in her parents house, in her bedroom.

"hello liam." She said quietly. "hi.'' i said. We were slient.

" I uhh....i'm going to start by saying im sorry. I shouldnt have done what i did, and played you. Trust me i wish i hadnt. Why i did it? Honestly..i dont know.

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