Chapter 32 (Macy and Elenour)

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Macy pov

"Niall there is a problem.." i said. He nodded, waiting for me to go on. "Maria is in the mental hospital." The words sliped out of my mouth, and i felt so dull afterwords, how did i let this happen?

"WHAT!!! WHY???" He exclaimed. "For self harm." i said quietly. Ughh...she has been that way since she was 9, she stopped for a while when she was 11, but then started and stopped a few months ago...maybe she didn't even stop and i just didn't pay too much attention.

"Oh my god, babe i'm so sorry." Niall said. He walked over to me, and hugged me tight, holding me in his arms. "I have to go to ireland...i'm sorry i wish i could stay but-" I started. "Stop, i understand. I'll book you a flight for the next plane." He said. I nodded, "Thank you so much." i whispered. He nodded, still holding me tight. I have the best boyfriend.

"I am going to call nicole and ask for what happened," i said. He nodded, "I'll go online and book you a ticket." He said. i nodded and smiled. We were both in bed, making these calls and searching things online.

"Hello?" A voice answered. it was nicole. "Hey nicole, it's Macy." i said.

"oh my god! i'm so sorry about Maria, i'll tell you everything!" She said.

"thanks." i said.

"Ok, so i noticed the cuts on her legs and Wrists, and told her to stop, cuz i helped her when we were younger with her problem. She broke down and told me it was serious and how she is suicidal, but didn't want to bother you and stuff. But all of this shit happened untill she told me she had to turn herself in, because she was about to jump, infront of a car. So of course i'm going to get her to the mental hospital as fast as possible." She said.

"Thanks so much nicole, i love you, if you visit her anytime soon, tell her that i'm coming soon, ok?" i said.

"Yeah of course, i'll try to keep you updated." Nicole said. "Thanks nicole, you have no idea how greatful i am." i said.

We ended our conversation and i looked at Niall. "So find anything?" i asked. He nodded, "Tomorrow, at 5 am. Do you want me to go with you?" He asked. i shook my head no, "No, it's too much of me to ask, you are on tour and everyone needs you, i'll be fine, but i'll tell Maria you send your support." i said. He nodded, and kissed my forehead.

"I wish i could go with you." he whispered. I would have actually loved it if he came. But i knew he had it would really bad for him and the lads.

"I know, i do too, but we have responsabilities." i said. he nodded. i smiled, and he did too.

Then all of a sudden, Liam walked in.

"Guys, i heard you talking and i need someone to talk to." He said. I nodded, as did niall. "Ok, well you know the whole danielle thing has me heart broken...but she wants to video chat me....i dont know what to do..if i do it what do i say? i'm so torn, i still love the girl but-" he got quiet. this must be hard for him.

"Mate, honestly, i don't think you are ready to talk to her yet.....because if you were you wouldn't have this many questions....wait at least a few days." I said. Niall nodded, "She's right, unless you reallly feel ready, you might just break down right there." He said. i nodded and so did liam.

"Thanks for the help guys." He said. We both nodded, and he headed out of the room.

Elenour pov

i woke up from a bad dream, panting, i looked beside me, louis was missing.

I went to the bathroom, but he wasn't there. So i walked out into the hall, and knocked on Liam's door.

Liam came to the door and opened it, "Oh hey el, What's up?" he said. "um, is lou with you?" I asked. Liam nodded, "Yeah he is, but um...he's kinda helping me with somthing..." Liam said.

He obviously didn't want me to be there. so i nodded, "Ok, yeah i get it....i was uh just making sure he was ok, by liam." i said. i turned on my heels and walked back to my room.

When i was inside i walked to the balcony. when i opened the door a nice, refreshing wind swept past me. i took my first step, then my seccond and made my way to the chair. i sat there, thinking. I thougth about my mum. i miss her. I thought about Dani too.

Damn me and her used to be besties, but she betrayed us all, with that stunt, i can not stand her anymore. I just cannot speak with her. what she did was awful. If louis ever did that to me, i would literaly die. Thinking of it even wounds me. so then i try to think about other things.

What do i want to do today? What i really want to do is spend a girls day with Jess and Macy. Honestly i think the boys could use time for themselves, Liam i'm pretty sure is getting overwhelmed wih the mushyness, along with Zayn. Plus, i could use some time.

Maybe we could go for a nice bike ride, i love doing stuff like that.

i checked the time on the clock, 9:02. I've been out here for a good hour.

i yawned and stretched, heading back inside. i grabbed my phone and called Jess.

"Hello?" She said, sleeply.

"Hey babe it's mwa, Wanna have a gal's day today?" i asked. she yawned, "Yeahh sure...just not now....i'm too tired." She said. Before i could say anything she hung up.

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