Chapter 1 (Macy)

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I finally left, i finally got the courage to leave. i've been planing this since i was twelve, why i never did it? I dont know...maybe i was afraid. Maybe threatened. It didn't matter because i finally left home. My Phone rang, it was my mum. It was 8:35 she probably got home from work and saw my note. She was probably pissed. I turned off my phone, because the constant ringing was giving me a migrane.

I turned the corner of the street when i saw him, damn was my dad. i turned around, quickly. Walking away casually, so he wouldn't suspect anything.

"She What!!" i heard him yell. i turned slightly, he was yelling at his phone. he threw it to the ground, and glared at me. "Is that you?" he said. then he snorted ."COME HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" he yelled. Damn it, i'm screwed. I started to run, i ran blocks and blocks without stopping. until i crashed into someone. i slid from the small crash on the slippery, wet sidewalk, and fell.

"You ok?" The person asked, holding out their hand. i nodded, taking it, so he could help me up. That's when i got a better look at him. It was a boy with Brown curly hair, and green eyes. He was tall, compared to me anyways. i'm pretty short.

"What happened to your face?" he asked, lightly touching my bruised cheak. "I uh, nothing." i said. he gave me a confused look, then saw my backpack, which was stuffed and fat.

"You need a place to stay dont you?" He asked. i didn't know this guy, what was i supposed to say. yes?

"No, i have a place." i said. He shook his head. "Had a place. You ran away, and i right?" He asked. i sighed, this guy wasn't going to let this go.

"If i say yes will you stop bugging me?" i said. He shrugged, "I dont know, i don't want a yes i want the truth." He said.

"Yes, i did runaway." i said. He looked into my eyes. starring into my soul.

"I thought so, come on." he said, reaching his hand out to me. i was standing, not fallin..... did he want me to go with him? Did he think i was stupid enough to go with him? i dont even know him!

"Come on?" i asked. He sighed, "Do we seriously need to make this hard, you need a place to stay, and i'm offering you mine." he said. Didn't i tell him i have a place.

"I said i-" he cut me off. "Don't lie to me, let's just go before i decide to give up my good deed." he said, smiling. His dimples were adorable and sweet.

"Ok." i whispered, taking his hand.

The car ride was akward. it was silent for a few minutes. "I'm harry by the way." he said, looking at me. he gave me an unsure look, i couldn't blame him. i mean seriously, wouldn't you have seccond guessed whether or not letting some stranger into your house is a good idea or not.

"I'm Macy." i said. he smiled at me, "i've never met a person with that name before." he said. i shrugged, "I mean it's not really common."

We sat in silence for a few secconds, till i got uncomfterable. "Can i ask you somthing?" i said. he nodded, hesitating before doing so.

"Why are you letting me into your home, if you don't know me?" i asked. He shrugged. "You look like you needed help, i wanted to do that for you. i don't know." He said, whispereing the last part.

We pulled up at a house, it was pretty big. he opened the front door and i walked in behind him. The house was nicley furnished, and was bigger on the inside than the outside. the living room had a huge fllat screen.

"Wow! Do you live here alone?" i asked. He shook his head. "No, my band and i live here, we are a boy band." I made an 'o' expression. he smiled at me, "You seem tired, do you want to rest?" he asked. i all of a sudden realized how tired i was. i nodded. he lead me upstairs, and walked down the hall, opening a door.

"You can stay in my room, make yourself at home, you can sleep on the bed and put your stuff wherever, but i uh gotta call the guys and tell them im not going to meet them."he said. I nodded. he left me to my thoughts in his room.

His room was average i guess, it was big and had some cloths thrown around here and there, but it wasn't soo messy. i put my bag down beside the bed and turned on my phone.

16 missed calls, all from my mum and dad.oh well. i deleted the messages they left and put my phone on the nightstand beside me. i layed down on the bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Xx love it, hate it? Telll me what you think! btw each chapter will be one persons pov, thats why it says macy at the chapter name! bye lovies!xXLeslogr

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