For Some Reason, I'm Excited Today

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The only names said that night were Taemin and Jonghyun, because both boys knew they'd rather have someone else. Kibum left early that morning for work, purposely waking Minho up in the process so he'd go to his work too.

Working at the local grocery store wasn't bad, it was just annoying. Person after person making you want to scream. Kibum delt with it fairly well, ranting to Jonghyun during breaks as he worked there too. The younger's rants usually gave Jonghyun a laugh and that would calm him down. Hell, just seeing Jonghyun smiling calmed him down tremendously.

Break had already ended though, and Kibum had a couple minutes before he was off work. Customers went by quick then, people only getting a few things paying quickly and leaving. The last minute, someone came through with at least ten things, but by now Kibum couldn't care less as long as people didn't line up behind them.

He hadn't looked at the customer until everything was scanned and his eyes widened in surprise as he saw Jinki in front of him.

"Oh, hey Kibum, I didn't know you worked here" Jinki said smiling.

"Yea, this is my crappy job, I get off when I finish with you" Kibum told him and announced the total.

Jinki began to pay before speaking, "Did Minho tell you about the cook out?"

"No, that never came up" Kibum replied, thoughts flowing back of last night and giving him a slight headache.

"Well, tonight I'm holding a cook out for us, that's what all this is for" Jinki smiled, "Since you're about to get off wanna come help me get it ready?"

"Oh, uh, sure" Kibum told him, "Just let me clock out"

Kibum closed down the register after Jinki was done and dashed to clock out.

"What are you in such a hurry for?" Jonghyun laughed as Kibum speed-walked past.

"Going to help Jinki set up the cook out for tonight, you better be there" Kibum answered.

"I'll get Minho to take me" Jonghyun replied.

"Better text him now" Kibum told him before dashing out the door.

He looked around the small parking lot and found Jinki waving to him from his car. Kibum made his way over to the car, congratulating himself for walking there today.

"Help me load the car and we'll go" Jinki told him and he complied.

On the ride to Jinki's, they talked about anything and everything, getting to know each other more than they already did. When they arrived they carried the bags in and placed them in Jinki's kitchen, putting up anything that needed to be put in the refrigerator.

"We have to clean the table and chairs on the back porch" Jinki announced.

"So, hose them off?" Kibum asked.

"And then dry it off" Jinki answered.

"Easy enough, when is everyone supposed to be here?" Kibum asked.

"Around 6 or 7" Jinki answered, "Let's get started"

They walked outside and Jinki went to the watering hose on the side of the house. He brought it to Kibum and walked back to turn it on.

"Is it on?" Kibum asked when no water came out.

"Yea, is it not working?" Jinki asked.

"No" Kibum answered and looked down the hose for something clogging it.

Suddenly, water shot out of the hose, splashing Kibum.

"There was a kink it in!" Jinki exclaimed and came back around the corner.

Jinki began to laugh at the sight of Kibum, the younger then placed his finger on the hose to make the water go everywhere as he pointed it at the older. Jinki laughed harder as he attempted to block the water with his hands and Kibum came closer.

The water fight lasted until they were both soaked and in need of new clothes. Kibum couldn't figure out what he felt about the way the fight ended. They were wrestling over the hose and Kibum's shoe's became slippery on the wet concrete. When he felt himself falling, he expected to hit his head and have to go to the hospital, instead he felt Jinki's arms wrap around him. One hand on the back of his head and the other on his back as they both fell on the concrete.

"A-Are you okay?" Jinki asked.

"Yea, thanks to you" Kibum answered.

"Well, it's better to have a hand injury rather than a head injury" Jinki replied awkwardly.

They got up, careful not to slip again, and headed inside to dry off and change. They had both decided to just cover the furniture in towels rather than hose it down. They headed to Jinki's room to get clothes.

"Here, change into this, I think it'll fit" Jinki said and handed Kibum some clothes.

"Thank you" Kibum bowed a little taking the clothes from the older.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom" Jinki said, walking into his bathroom and closing the door.

Kibum took his sweet time drying off and getting dressed, a part of him wanting Jinki to walk in. From the incident earlier, Kibum has the suspicion Jinki may like him. The way he blushed when he realized their position gave it away. Kibum didn't know what to do with this knowledge, he didn't want to lead him on, but he wanted to find a way to forget about Jonghyun.

He has stopped getting dressed while thinking about it, leaving him without a shirt. He heard the bathroom door open and his eyes met an embarrassed Lee Jinki's.

"S-Sorry, I didn't know you weren't done" Jinki stuttered as Kibum slipped the dry shirt on.

"It's okay" Kibum replied with a chuckle, "It's almost 6, you should start cooking"

"Yea, I'll do that" Jinki told him and left the room.

Kibum had to admit, Jinki was cute, but he wasn't Kibum's type. He grabbed his phone and started texting Minho.

Kibum: Are you coming to the cook out?

Minho: Yea, I'm Jonghyun and Taemin's ride

Kibum: I'm already here, I was helping Jinki set up. I have something to tell you

Minho: Save it for later, Taemin is reading these texts out loud

Kibum let out a sigh of relief that he hadn't revealed anything.

Kibum: Oh, you're on your way

Minho: Bingo, see you there, hyung

Kibum smiled at 'hyung', which he knew Taemin added. He then walked out of Jinki's room and out to the back porch.

"They're on their way now" Kibum told him.

"Okay, let them in when they get here" Jinki replied, not looking up.

"Is there anything you need?" Kibum asked, walking closer.

"N-No, I'm fine" Jinki stuttered, eyes glued to the grill.

"Okay" Kibum replied and headed back inside.

He hoped Jinki wouldn't be like that all night. He sat down in the living room and waited patiently for the guests to arrive.

I Can Be Happy (JongKey/OnKey)Where stories live. Discover now