I Would Give You My Everything

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They both woke up to Kibum's alarm that morning. Minho had work and Kibum was calling in sick due to his headache. They both walked down to Minho's to check on Taemin.

Minho headed straight for the shower while Kibum looked for Taemin. He found him asleep like yesterday with his head covered.

"Ya! Taemin! Wake up!" Kibum called shaking the boy.

The younger groaned and rolled over, he said something but Kibum didn't quite catch it. The older's attention was taken by an article of clothing on the other side of the room. He picked up a skirt that had been discarded, looking at it annoyed.

"Hyung? Hyung!" Taemin yelled and sprinted out of bed, grabbing at the skirt.

"Ya! Did you have a girl over?!" Kibum asked angry, not letting him grab the skirt.

He turned to glare at the younger but his expression softened when he saw him. He was wearing the top they had looked at yesterday and extensions in his hair to make it appear longer. Kibum's arm lowered as he gave back the skirt to a terrified looking Taemin.

"H-Hyung, I can explain" Taemin stuttered.

"Please do" Kibum replied, turning completely around.

"Have you ever heard of" Taemin paused, looking uncertain, "Gender fluidity?"

Kibum shook his head, "But I think I can guess"

"I don't stick to just one gender, I'm not always male, I'm not always female" Taemin explained simply, "Please don't tell anyone, I don't know how they'd react"

"I won't say a word I promise" Kibum replied, "Don't be careless if you don't want people to know though, hide all this so Minho doesn't think what I did"

"Where is Minho?" Taemin asked.

"In the bathroom" Kibum answered.

Taemin's eyes widened, "There's heels in there"

Kibum jumped up and rushed out of the room, he listened but he couldn't hear any water running. He knocked on the door lightly.

"Minho, are you almost done?" Kibum asked.

"I'm getting dressed" Minho replied and Kibum sighed in relief.

Some time passed before they heard a bang come from the bathroom, Kibum instinctively moved away from the door as the next second it was swung open. Kibum grabbed the boy's arm making him look at him.

"What are you going to do?" Kibum asked.

"I'm kicking him out" Minho answered pulling his arm away.

Kibum ran in front of the younger and grabbed both of his forearms.

"Don't do it, it's not what you think" Kibum told him.

"What else could it fucking be?! High heels in my bathroom, what else does that mean goddammit?!" Minho tried not to yell.

"Use your fucking brain you brute" Kibum replied.

Taemin then walked out of Minho's room slowly, dressed in the same thing as earlier only with the skirt. Minho's expression calmed down and Kibum looked behind him to see what Minho saw.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier" Taemin mumbled not looking up.

Minho pushed past Kibum and pulled the youngest into a hug.

"It's okay" Minho told him, "Don't feel bad please"

"Minho, are you alright?" Taemin asked.

"I can't believe I was about to kick you out" Minho answered, upset at himself, "I was going to just let go of someone so important to me"

"Wh-What?" Taemin stuttered.

Minho broke the hug to look at Taemin, both trying to read the other's expression. Minho slowly started getting closer to Taemin until there was no space left between them. It surprised the older when Taemin kissed back, and Kibum smiled at the display of affection. They broke the kiss but nothing was said before they began kissing again. Kibum took this as a sign to go back to his apartment, so he did.

AN: Short chapter but I needed this out of the way so it's just a filler, hope you're enjoying it so far!

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