At Some Point You Have Grown Bigger In Me

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AN: I realize it's been a year since I last updated this story, and I've had such a bad writer's block lately. And 2017 was full of ups and downs for me and then ultimately for everyone. I hope everyone enjoys this long awaited chapter, and let me know if you would like an epilogue.

The moment the five of them were in the parking garage, Kibum was embraced by his friends. Sniffles and little whispers were the only things Kibum heard as he tried to process what to say or do.

"I love you" Kibum whispered as he felt a tear run down his cheek, "I love you all so much"

He was sure he heard muttered replies back, but all he could focus on was the warmth he felt despite what had almost happened moments ago. When the warmth slowly disappeared he felt himself panic a little, but his heart calmed when he looked down to see Jinki's hands intertwined with his.

"Let's go and get some sleep" Jinki suggested, voice still shaky.

"Okay" Kibum replied softly.

Jinki led Kibum to his car, opening the passenger door to let Kibum in. As Jinki got in and the car got started, Kibum fidgeted, trying to find something to say.

"I'm sorry" Kibum said, but Jinki just offered his hand.

Kibum took it without question, finding comfort in the older.

"I'm the one that should be sorry, I just let you leave" Jinki replied.

"You had every right to let me leave, I hurt you and I just did it again. Would you even consider forgiving me after all of that?" Kibum asked, playing with Jinki's fingers.

"On some conditions" Jinki answered.

"Anything for you" Kibum replied.

"You'll get help so you can be happier, and..." Jinki paused, stopping at a red light and looking to Kibum sweetly, "That starting today we're together again"

They smiled at each other and Jinki doesn't remember the last time he had seen that wonderful smile. The two just looked at each other for a while, a blush growing on Kibum's cheeks.

"Th-the light's green, go so we can go to bed, I'm tired" Kibum complained shyly and Jinki complied giggling at himself.

The rest of the ride consisted of Jinki singing to Kibum, with the younger occasionally joining in. As soon as the arrived at Jinki's, the couple headed straight to bedroom, too tired to even dress in something more comfortable.

Once they got comfortable together, Kibum couldn't help but ask the question that had been on his mind.

"Do you think... this is the universe giving me a second chance?" Kibum asked, staring at the ceiling, "Because if Minho had slept a little longer..."He couldn't finish as Jinki's arms tightened around him.

"I don't want you to think about what would have happened, just focus on what did happen" Jinki begen, "We found you in time and you're safe. I think it's the universe saying 'this isn't over yet'"

"I keep wondering if I even deserve this, if I deserve you" Kibum stopped, worried he was being to negative.

"Shh... You deserve all of this... And right now you deserve sleep" Jinki replied kissing the back of Kibum's neck.

Kibum felt tears come to him, the warmth he felt surrounding him, overwhelming him. He turned around to face Jinki, the older smiling softly at him. Kibum pulled him into a kiss, hands on Jinki's face. They pulled away and Jinki wiped Kibum's tears carefully.

Jinki covered Kibum's face in kisses, making the younger giggle and snuggle into the older. Kibum let Jinki's warmth engulf him, and sleep came to the couple quickly.

I Can Be Happy (JongKey/OnKey)Where stories live. Discover now