When I Can't Have You, I'm On Fire

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It was already the afternoon, but it was probably the third time Kibum had broken down today. Jonghyun was always there to calm him down, it didn't take much for him to decide this was enough. When there was a knock on the door, Jonghyun sprang up to answer it, leaving Kibum alone on his bed.

"Who's there?" Kibum asked weakly, refusing to get up from his bed as he was comfortable wrapped up in his blanket.

No reply came, but he heard two pairs of footsteps come to his door. He stayed quiet as the door slowly pushed open, but once he saw who Jonghyun was with he thought his heart stopped.

"J-Jinki" Kibum spoke, trying not to breakdown again.

Jonghyun let the older in and slipped out of the room, closing the door to give the couple privacy.

It was silent for a while as Jinki looked at the younger with sad eyes, but he finally spoke.

"Are you sober?" He asked, walking towards the bed.

"Yes, and there is no remaining alcohol in the house" Kibum answered.

"That's good" Jinki replied and silence filled the room again.

"A-Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat" Kibum began, not wanting the silence to last.

"We need to talk Kibum, and prolonging it isn't going to make it fix itself" Jinki replied, "How do I know you're not going to drink anymore?"

"I don't know" Kibum answered honestly, "I have no idea how to prove to you that I'll stop, but I'm going to stop. After I hurt you the way I did, I feel so awful that I could die" He wiped away whatever tears were threatening to fall, "Please don't leave me"

Jinki felt his heart ache as he looked at the younger who was doing his best not to cry, he couldn't bear to see him this way. He sat down beside Kibum and wiped the fallen tears off of his cheeks before kissing the younger's eyes lightly.

"I'm not going to leave you" Jinki told him in a soothing tone, "You couldn't even last a day without me" Jinki teased, his arms snaked around the younger.

"Shut up" Kibum mumbled, "I can't stand it when I've been a jerk to people I care about, especially you" He rested his head on Jinki's shoulder.

"Jonghyun, you know you can just come in right?" Jinki called and the door slowly opened.

"Sorry, I was just-" Jonghyun began.

"Eavesdropping, which was unnecessary, you know we would've told you anyway" Kibum interrupted.

"How did you know though?" Jonghyun asked, bewildered.

"We know you" Jinki answered, "Now order something for everyone, I'll pay"

"Yes sir" Jonghyun mocked and got out his phone, walking out of the room.

"I missed you" Jinki admitted, "It may have been just a day, but the situation made it worse. I actually hoped you would recover quickly, I wanted you back in my arms"

"I'm so sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it" Kibum apologized.

"I know you didn't, I was just worried about you. I knew if I left you'd have a reason to stop" Jinki told him.

"I love you" Kibum mumbled and nuzzled his face into the older's neck, his hand grabbing Jinki's shirt.

"I love you too" Jinki replied and kissed any part of Kibum's head that he could reach.

They ate with Jonghyun that afternoon, and he left when everyone was done, leaving the couple alone for the night.

Worry was eating at him, he hadn't heard from Chaeyeong for a couple of days and he couldn't help but start to think this was the end. He had been told not to contact her first, her parents being very strict about their relationship. She called him when she was alone and then deleted any call logs that her parents could see. At first it was everyday, then it became every couple of days, and now he hasn't heard from her for so long he began to worry.

"Have faith Kim Jonghyun"

Kibum's voice filled his thoughts, and he was brought back to their conversation earlier that day. He trusted her, he knew deep down he really trusted her, but then why did he feel like this?

It had been years, but the emotional scar wouldn't go away. He was with a girl once, in high school, and she cheated on him. The only reason she ever gave was because he didn't have money, she teased him about it, said they could have been so happy together if he had money. It was always about money since then, he had to get a good job so he could make money, he wanted to have money so no one ever treated him that way ever again.

Chaeyeong had money, and people were greedy by nature, it would be natural for her to want more money. Jonghyun didn't have that, at least not to the extent of the men her parents were showing her. He knew she wasn't like that girl in high school, he knew that. But, there was still the doubt in his mind, telling him that in the end, all people are the same. That in the end, greed takes over.

AN: Kinda short, but I felt bad being out of school for so long and not giving you guys a chapter. 

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