Can't I See You Next To Me Ever Again?

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AN: Trying to get the picture to work, I'm having a lot of trouble this time ;;;;;

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AN: Trying to get the picture to work, I'm having a lot of trouble this time ;;;;;

Kibum and Minho went up to the door together, but Minho was the one who knocked. They didn't wait long, and it was Taemin who opened the door with slight shock on their face.

"Minho" They began and then spotted Kibum, "What are you two doing here?"

"I want to apologize to Jinki" Kibum answered and Taemin looked unsure.

"I don't know if that's the best idea right now" Taemin said and looked behind them at Jinki's couch.

"It may not be, but I'm not going to let that stop me" Kibum replied and Taemin nodded, moving to let the two in.

Kibum's eyes found Jinki quickly, feeling tears threaten as he looked at the older wrapped in a blanket on his couch. Jinki turned his head slightly, seeing Kibum in the corner of his eye he closed his eyes and took in a breath.

"Hello" Jinki sighed and kept his gaze on the ground in front of him.

"Jinki" It was all Kibum could manage to say as he became frozen in his spot.

"Why did you come? Why did you give me hope?" Jinki asked, "If you couldn't love me, why did you try?"

"I didn't have to try, I do love you" Kibum answered and Jinki scoffed.

"Do you?" Jinki sounded amused, but there was still pain in his voice, "Is this what you're doing right now? Performing an act of love?"

"You tell me, I came here to apologize" Kibum told him and Jinki nodded.

"Then do it and leave" Jinki replied sternly.

Kibum came up to him and dropped down to his knees, keeping his head down as Jinki watched him.

"I know what I did is unforgivable, but I don't want you to continue being burdened by it" Kibum began, "It is true I did love Jonghyun while I was with you, but that does not mean I didn't love you. I still love you, with every part of my being, but I hurt you so I don't deserve you" Kibum bowed to Jinki and his eyes widened, "Lee Jinki, please don't suffer because of me, please forget about my foolish act and live happily without me"

There was a long silence as Jinki began to tear up, but quickly wiped the tears away.

"You're just going to leave?!" Jinki asked, but Kibum didn't dare raise his head.

"I've become a burden to you, you would be happier without me" Kibum replied.

It was quiet then, Jinki not knowing how to respond and Kibum waiting for him to accept his apology.

"Okay..." Jinki's voice was close to a whisper, "If you're going to leave, then go"

Kibum sat up then, taking a deep breath as he stood up, his eyes avoiding Jinki. He turned around, facing Minho and Taemin who had watched it all happen. Kibum walked out of the house, and tended when he heard footsteps following him.

"Kibum" Minho spoke and he turned around, "What are you trying to do? I thought you wanted him back!"

"I do, but I don't deserve him Minho. The way I hurt him, he should just never talk to me again and be happy" Kibum answered, "You and Taemin should probably keep your distance, I didn't want anyone else to get hurt by me"

Kibum opened his car door, and Minho took the opportunity to get into the passenger seat.

"Don't you want to stay here with Taemin?" Kibum asked and Minho began to take note of the lack of emotion in Kibum's voice.

"I promised myself I'd look after you, I'm not going to stop now" Minho announced as Kibum got into his car.

"You would save yourself a lot of pain if you did" Kibum replied and started the car.

"The way you're talking is scaring me Kibum" Minho told him as they buckled.

Kibum was quiet as he began to drive, but Minho wasn't going to give up.

"What are you planning?" Minho asked, fear in his voice.

"Do you want me to take you home, or do you have work today?" Kibum asked calmly.

"Kibum" Minho started sternly.

"If you don't have work we could get a coffee" Kibum interrupted him and Minho sighed.

"I'm worried about you Kibum, please answer my question" Minho pushed, but Kibum remained silent, "If you won't answer, then I'm keeping a 24-hour watch on you"

"You have work, why would you do that?" Kibum asked.

"I was fired, I have time on my hands" Minho answered, "And your safety comes first"

"Now you sound weird, when did safety come in?" Kibum asked, although he didn't sound interested.

"I've known you for years Kibum..." Minho couldn't bring himself to continue.

"That's not it" Kibum sighed, "Where do you want to go?"

"Why didn't you tell Jinki that you said goodbye to Jonghyun?" Minho asked and Kibum slammed the breaks, Minho was thankful there were no other cars at the moment.

"Why do you keep asking questions?! I'm already in enough pain, do you really have to remind me of it?!" Kibum yelled and Minho held his breath.

"Is this the part where you kick me out of the car?" Minho asked and Kibum's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be like him" Kibum looked down and Minho sighed.

"I know, let's go to your place" Minho replied, but froze when he heard a sniffle, "Kibum?"

"I hurt everyone I'm around Minho... I just hurt you and I'm so afraid I'm going to hurt Taemin too" Kibum answered, wiping the tears that had developed.

"But the answer isn't isolation" Minho replied.

"Isn't it? I just hurt the people I'm close to, isn't it better to instead not be close to anyone?" Kibum asked, "You saw what I did to Jinki, I don't want to do that to anyone ever again"

"Well, it's going to take a lot to get rid of me" Minho announced and Kibum scoffed, "We should get going before cars start coming"

Kibum nodded and began to drive again after wiping his eyes.  

I Can Be Happy (JongKey/OnKey)Where stories live. Discover now