Don't Lose Focus, It's Dangerous

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No one had time to fully register what Minho had said before Minho began swaying while walking up to the officer and falling onto his side. No one could hear Minho and the floor collide through Taemin's strangled scream of the boy's name. Backup had just arrived for Officer Choi as he picked up his son and ran to the ambulance he knew was outside. Everyone followed, like baby ducks behind their mother. Only Taemin and Officer Choi were aloud in the ambulance, the rest of the ducks being left in the rain, lost and confused because their wings seemed to be stuck.

"We'll call you when you can see him" Officer Choi told them before the doors closed in their faces.

Jonghyun turned around, dumbfounded he spoke, "So that's where his father ended up" Jonghyun said, anger evident in his voice, "That's why he didn't want to go to the police, he knew..." He balled his fist, squeezing as if he was squeezing an almost empty ketchup bottle.

"What happened between him and his father?" Jinki asked and Kibum intertwined their fingers.

"I don't think it's our place to say sweetheart" Kibum answered, taking a long sigh before speaking again, "Let's get to my apartment before the rain gets worse, I'll cook some Ramen and we'll wait for the call"

Jackets served as umbrellas as the rain got worse, and as it got harder all the three could think of was how Taemin could be crying just as hard right now.

Kibum was in between the two older boys, hand in hand with one, forearms brushing with them other. Nothing was spoken on the long route to Kibum's apartment, just the sound of the street buzz, their shoes colliding with puddles, and the loud pitter patter of rain on their soaked jackets. If it wasn't for the situation that had just taken place, Kibum would list this under one of his favorite moments in his life. That is, until thunder sounded and he jumped making the other two stop. Jonghyun and Jinki began to comfort him in their own ways as the thunder didn't stop, and Kibum stuck this moment back into his favorite moments. They finished the walked with Jinki's arm around Kibum's waist and Jonghyun's hand in his.

Kibum dried all of their jackets before he started to make three servings of Ramen. The stove was so warm he almost wanted to live in the heat and forget about making the Ramen, but his stomach protested and soon dry noodles were in boiling water.

"Do you think Minho is going to be okay?" Kibum heard Jinki worry.

"I'm sure he'll be okay, minus his father" Jonghyun reassured the older.

"What about Taemin though? What if they're seriously hurt and no one has noticed yet?" Jinki continued, and Kibum could hear in his voice how his hands were shaking.

"Taemin is at the hospital as well, if something is wrong with them then they'll be taken care of as soon as it happens" Jonghyun told him, "They are both going to be fine, and we will most likely hear from them by tomorrow"

Kibum didn't see it but he knew that after that sentence Jinki nodded and looked down, studying the floor as if he had never seen it before. Memorizing every crease and grove and line in the wood flooring.

"Ramen's ready" Kibum announced, the normal sing song of his voice far off somewhere he didn't think he'd be visiting again in a while.

They ate in silence so that if even the lightest vibrate of one of their phones happened they could jump at it. Finally, a vibration came from Jonghyun's pocket and all eyes were on him. The eyes fell back down to their food and were followed with heavy sighs when Jonghyun revealed it was Chaeyeong.

"Hello... Yeah we found them, I meant to text you the details... Minho is in the hospital right now, he collapsed when we found them... I don't know anything about either of them yet, we're waiting for the hospital to call... Be safe out there, I love you... Bye" A long sigh emitted from Jonghyun as the call ended and he slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"Where is Chaeyeong? Usually if something happens she's here" Jinki observed.

"She's out of town with her family, they're trying to get her to marry someone rich and keep money in the family" Jonghyun told them, the worry they expected in his voice absent.

"You don't sound worried" Kibum pointed out.

"I know she loves me and if I'm wrong than I'm wrong and this will be the end of our relationship" Jonghyun replied, a type of sadness that can only come from heartbreak on the edge of his, unnatural for Jonghyun, soft voice.

"You really trust and love her" Jinki smiled, even if it was broken it still brought a smile to Jonghyun and Kibum no matter how small and short.

"I just hope she doesn't make a fool of me" Jonghyun worried, and both of the boys in front of him could feel their heart sink.

"I have never seen you two fight, and I don't see any reason for her to ever let you go" Jinki tried to reassure him.

"I know, but money changes people" Jonghyun's voice was far from his own, he sounded like someone who had been wronged so many times that emotions seemed to be non-existing.

"You've got to have hope, and if the hope fails then find another source. Just never give up" Jinki told him, his true smile breaking through the smile plagued with the events of today.

"Thanks Jinki" A small smile pulled itself onto Jonghyun's lips.

Wen Kibum's ringtone went off everyone turned to him as he answered the unkown number and placed it on speaker.

"Hello?" Kibum answered, anticipation in his voice.

"Kim Kibum? Friend of Choi Minho and Lee Taemin?" A voice that the three had heard earlier that day asked.

"This is he" Kibum answered, "How are they?"

"Taemin has been patched up and thankfully the worst they found were a couple of bad cuts, nothing serious" Officer Choi told them, discomfort in his voice.

"What about Minho?" Kibum asked,fear of the answer evident in how his voice and hands were shaking.

"While he was at the house, he suffered a head injury caused by a bat most likely. That blood on the floor was his" Officer Choi answered, he took a deep breath before continuing, "I haven't been in his room so I'm not sure how he's doing, or if he's even woken up yet. They said he'll wake up soon, and if everything's alright he and Taemin can go home as the boy refuses to leave his side"

"They are not a boy Officer Choi, and if you gender them one more time Minho won't be the only one unhappy with you" Kibum threatened, his grip on the phone tightening.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, just get to the hospital because I'm sure they don't want to be left alone with a man their boyfriend hates" Kibum could hear the way the man mentally rolled his eyes at using the singular they so he hung up before he got in a fight with a cop.

"I'll drive" Jonghyun offered as the three of them filed out of the apartment.

I Can Be Happy (JongKey/OnKey)Where stories live. Discover now