Sighs Have Pressed Down On Me

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Everyone made sure that Kibum was always with someone. Jinki in the morning as he got ready for work, Jonghyun on the way to work, Minho would pick him up after work, and he waited for Jinki to get back at Minho's. He appreciated the concern, but it didn't change how he felt. Whenever he was without Jinki, Jonghyun was on his mind. It made him feel guilty, like he had cheated on Jinki. This resulted in many talks with Taemin, they always seemed to put him in a better mood.

On Wednesdays, Kibum would have to spend the night at Minho's since Jinki worked the late shift on those days. Then Jinki would pick him up from Minho's around three in the morning, unaware of what Kibum had done hours before.

It started as him sneaking one beer from Minho's fridge, until Minho noticed an empty can in the bathroom trash. He was angry at first, snapping at Kibum who then snapped back, creating an argument that caught Taemin's attention. Both of them stopped when Taemin entered the room, they had fallen apart at the look of fear on Taemin's face.

They came to a conclusion though, Kibum was only allowed to drink under Minho's supervision and away from Taemin, which was Kibum's request. When Minho realized Kibum was relapsing, he denied him alcohol. It didn't stop Kibum, he began to buy beer at work and would manage to down one before Minho arrived. The first three times he was yelled at, the fourth time Minho just scowled and drove them home. Minho chose to just listen to Kibum's drunken sprawl and make sure he was sober before Jinki got home.

"I just don't fucking care anymore" Kibum slurred, "I don't love Jinki, I love Jonghyun and I should just tell him"

"Like you should've done in the first place" Minho mumbled irritated.

"I didn't even know if Jinki was going to go for me, I just got lucky. Maybe I'll get lucky with Jonghyun too" The older continued.

"What and just leave Jinki all of a sudden?" Minho asked.

"I don't love him, I should've already left him" Kibum replied and got out his phone, "I'm calling Jonghyun"

Minho snatched the phone out of his hand, "You're not going to say anything to either of them drunk, remember what happened last time?"

"I'm older than you, I can do what I want" Kibum got up and started for the door.

Minho grabbed his wrist, "Kibum, if you go out there Taemin will see you and you'll fuck something up. If you leave this room now you will regret it one way or another" He warned his grip tight.

Kibum pulled his wrist free and stood still for a moment before kneeling on the ground in front of the door and pressing the top of his head to it, crying. He didn't try to muffle his sobs, he just didn't care enough anymore. Then, his phone began to vibrate in Minho's hand.

"It's Jinki" Minho told him.

"Don't answer it" Kibum replied between sobs.

"Hello?" Minho ignored the older's request.

"Minho? Isn't Kibum there?" Jinki asked concerned.

"He's drunk. You need to come get him" Minho told him, "He relapsed and he's been doing this every week for a long time now"

"I'm on my way" Jinki told him and hung up.

Kibum turned himself around to face Minho but still lean his back on the door, "Why?"

"Because, this needs to stop. I can't watch you destroy yourself like this again, and he's one of the only ones who can stop you" Minho answered.

Kibum just continued to sob, going through his mind on how to control what he says when Jinki arrives.

There's a frantic knock on Minho's bedroom door, Kibum stands up and wipes what tears may still be there before opening the door. He smiles at Jinki who looks at him afraid that something may be seriously wrong.

"Hello hyung!" Kibum greeted cheerfully, trying his best not to cry again.

"Kibum, are you alright?" Jinki asked and grabbed Kibum's hands gently, "Answer me truthfully please"

Kibum looked at him surprised and started to tear up again. He pulled Jinki into a hug, hiding his face in the crook of his neck as the first tear escapes.

"Just take me home please" He mumbled as Jinki hugs back.

"I will, come on" Jinki answered and lead him to the door.

Minho sighed at the couple, walking out of his room as well. He closes the door behind the two and arms snake around his waist.

"What was all that about?" Taemin's voice met his ear.

"Kibum's getting bad again, so Jinki came and got him" Minho explained and placed his hands on Taemin's.

It was Taemin's turn to sigh, "I hope he's okay"

"Now that he's with Jinki I'm sure some sense will be knocked into him" Minho replied.

"You should check in on them in the morning" Taemin suggested.

"Trust me, I will" Minho told them.

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