Chapter 1! Completed.

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Hey! I am looking over my book, editing anything that looks bad. But just know, I am not much of a good writer but I try, so please don't hate me for misspelling a word, or something.

**This chapter will not be the a long chapter. The next chapters will get better bear with me.**

I woke up by my brother singing obnoxiously in the shower two doors down from my bedroom. It is currently "June 3rd."  The school year is over thank god. It has been a year since everything has happened.

My mom and dad dying.

Me trying to commit suicide.

My cutting.


This summer I will start fresh. I will no longer be the girl who lost her parents and became "Antisocial."

"Cameron shut up!" I yelled down towards the bathroom.

That made him yell even louder. I went into the bathroom got dressed and put on some music to tune out my brother. I put on "Stitches," By Shawn Mendes.

I got out the shower and combed my hair. Btw I had brunette hair with some blondeish brownish streaks. I have big brown eyes.

I got dressed into my blue crop top and white skinny jeans, and some grey vans. I went downstairs and sat in the car waiting for my brother. We were heading to "Magcon."

He finally got in the car for what felt like a year.

"Took you long enough." I said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up." He said laughing.

*Skips car ride.*

We were now at Magcon and my brother wanted me to sing with Shawn on stage. To be honest I was scared. Shawn was like a uncle to me. Lets introduce everyone shall we.

Hayes- My crush. His beautiful blue eyes. He's 14 and Im 13. We have been best friends since we were babies. He knows things that not everyone does.

Shawn-  He's a singer at Magcon. Canadian if Im correct. He has brown eyes. Born in Toronto Canada. He can play the piano and the guitar. He's very talented. 

Nash -   He's Hayes older brother. He has brown hair with blonde streaks and blue eyes that every girl loves. He has a little sister Skylynn. He is an actor and he is famous on vine.

  Carter - He has brown hair and brown eyes too. He is like a cousin figure to me. He hates school. Same for me. He's been the Inspiration for Erotic fan fiction.

Matt- He has brown eyes and Blonde hair. Lets not get into too much for the rest of the boys.

Jack G-  Brown hair brown eyes, he sings with his best friend Jack J.

Cameron- As you already know. My big brother.

Taylor - brown eyes brown hair.

Aaron - Brown eyes, brown hair.

Jack J- raps with his best friend Jack G

Everyone is finished performing and now its me and Shawn. Here we go. We sing a song called "After Taste."

Shawn's part!
Re - re - rewind friday night never forget it, how you let me go.

No more lies, I'll be fine, know where Im headed, probably should've known.

And now your gonna say pretty please forgive me,

Fool me once, told you twice, gonna regret it. Now your all alone. Yeah..

Turns out that no one can replace me, Im permanent you cant erase me.

Ill have you remember me and one more kiss is all it takes.

Ill leave you with the memory and the after taste.

My part!

Close your eyes, you cant hide, try to forget me but Im everywhere.

Im the smell on your sheets, you weren't ready when you left me there.

Now your gonna say pretty please forgive me. Yeah...

Bet it hurts, it gets worse you know nobody said it would be fair.

Turns out that no one can replace me, Im permanent you cant erase me.

Ill have you remember me and one more kiss is what it takes.

Ill leave you with the memory and the after taste.

Me and shawn!

And now there is something in your way.

Cause you threw it all to waste.

And you wonder if you could take back what you did that day.. 

And it hurts cause...

Turns out that no one can replace me, Im permanent you cant erase me.

Ill have you remember me, one more kiss is all it takes.

Ill leave you with the memory and the after tatse.

Truth is that no one can replace me, Im permanent you erase me.

Ill have you remember me, one more kiss is all it takes.

Ill leave you with the memory and the after taste.

And the aftertatse.


After the show everyone said the song was good and they cheered and cheered. Some was for me but I know most was for Shawn.

After Hayes came up to me and hugged me.

"You did great." He said.

"Thank you." I said smiling. I knew I was blushing so I hid it.

Then Cameron came yelling towards me and picked me up and spun me around.

"I knew you could do it." And he kissed my forhead.

"Ew cameron!."

"Oh common you know you love your big brother. " he said.

"Ok fine." I said laughing.

I jumped on his back and we went out and every attacked us. I stayed clinging into Cameron's neck not showing my face.

"Slut move so I can take a picture." Someone said.

I started to cry and I think Cameron could tell because his shirt got wet. I wanted to say something back but I knew if I did Cameron would get mad.

"First my sister IS not a slut. And the fact you even called her that just proves you aren't a real fan of me." And we walked towards the limo.

I sat in his lap in the limo and placed my head in his neck and just fell asleep i was beyond tired. He rubbed my back telling me everything would be okay.

I fell asleep next thing I know.

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